SHHOBanterX =/= CUHKBanters =/= INFJ-WooTaiKwai


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SHHOBanterX 2017-11-28 02:08:56
From the very start of my LIHKG history, I never intended or planned to pretend to be that WooTaiKwai.

My first LIHKG name is CUHKBanters and I changed that to SHHOBanterX a few days ago.

Now, there's a fake version of me using my old name to pretend to be me and WooTaiKwai

I restate here that SHHOBanterX is the original CUHKBanters and the one now is fake.

And we are all not INFJ-WooTaiKwai.

I will take legal actions like the GoodHopers
會考都無C 2017-11-28 02:23:42
CUHKBanters 2017-11-28 08:57:51
CUHKBanters 2017-11-28 09:03:06
I am not SHHOBanterX Who say me= him? I will sue you
SHHOBanterX 2017-11-28 12:36:39
I say again, I'm the one and only CUHKBanterz in the world

SHHOBanterX is the one and only CUHKBANTERZ!!!!!

Stop pretending me
CUHKBanters 2017-11-28 12:43:04
How about CuhkBanters/ SHHOBanterz/SHHOBanters /CUHKBanter/SHHOBanter?
CUHK-SHHOBanterX 2017-11-28 12:46:06
The real is Banter is now called "CUHK-SHHOBanterX" fuck off you pretenders
Bohemian 2017-11-28 14:55:26
CUHKBanters 2017-11-28 14:56:18
in banter , we trust

Thank you
CUHKBanters 2017-11-28 14:58:34
Fuck you

I will sue you
CUHK-SHHOBanterX 2017-11-28 14:59:07
in banter , we trust

Thank you

CUHK-SHHOBanterX 2017-11-28 14:59:55
Fuck you

尹光頭仔 2017-11-28 15:34:38
CUHKBanters 2017-11-28 15:45:59

He is fake dup only

You too
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