洛杉磯公共運輸公司出關愛座批鬥廣告 [sosad]

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2017-10-24 04:27:55

Don't be a Rude Dude! Los Angeles Metro wins a legion of fans with bizarre anime-inspired PSA videos promoting proper riding etiquette

Metro Los Angeles release very bizarre PSA against seat hogs

Inner super hero: An average girl riding the bus transforms into Super Kind to fight against ill-mannered riders

Don't be a seat hog! Rude Dude is Super Kind's arch nemesis who takes up an entire row of handicap seating

Friendly reminders: Posters of the campaign can be seen on the buses and trains as a reminder of riding courtesy

The series of three videos are apart of LA Transportation's campaign Metro Manners

YouTube star Anna Akana (left) stars as Super Kind

YouTube star Mike Diva directed the videos

Behind-the-scenes: A photo tweeted by the director shows him and the star goofing around while shooting

Awesomely epic: Super Kind is saving the day on the metro and making the day of the riders

A heartwarmer: The videos bring one thankful fan back to his childhood

Twitter fans describe the PSAs as a mix between a children's TV show and a Japanese pop star

She believes in you! Super Kind breaks into song and dance to promote proper metro etiquette

2017-10-24 05:04:19

2017-10-24 08:47:40

2017-10-24 08:52:02
2017-10-24 09:06:38
2017-10-24 09:45:39
2017-10-24 10:05:21
mike diva

嘩! 睇完覺得自已好老
2017-10-24 10:53:24
2017-10-24 19:13:05
2017-10-24 19:55:20
呢 D 咪就係軟實力囉. 唔係靠低能搖搖下又或者用錢堆出黎
2017-10-24 20:24:40
2017-10-24 20:38:53

如果咁 Crossover 就好啦
2017-10-24 21:30:49
2017-10-24 22:44:11
勁, 咁都諗到
2017-10-25 04:10:29

2017-10-25 06:33:08


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