同鷹再玩mgs 開機關
我都無睇過美女與野獸<img src="/assets/faces/xm/clown2.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" />日文好似話美女與野獸果種柏拉圖式戀愛題材受到全世界歡迎,對莎木3嘅製作係一種鼓勵<img src="/assets/faces/xm/angel.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" /> <img src="/assets/faces/xm/clown2.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" /> <img src="/assets/faces/xm/clown2.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" /> <img src="/assets/faces/xm/clown2.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" />完全唔明<img src="/assets/faces/xm/sosad.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" />
莎木3應該主題都係講愛情<img src="/assets/faces/xm/angel.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" /> <img src="/assets/faces/xm/chicken.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" />
YS: With Kimi no Na wa (Your Name) I paid particular attention to see how accepting audiences of today would be with respect to platonic love, but my worries were unfounded; it impressed upon me that it is a timeless theme.
YS: The movie Beauty and the Beast.
The acceptance around the world of the theme of platonic love has been an encouragement for our work on Shenmue III.
YS: It's faster to show you. (Suzuki starts his PC and launches a slideshow) Here we go, the three key points of the game are romance, characters' life and martial arts. Then my main goal is to use the latest advancements in technologies to express feelings through gaming situation.
望呀仆街涼<img src="/assets/faces/normal/kill.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" />
我都無睇過美女與野獸<img src="/assets/faces/xm/clown2.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" />日文好似話美女與野獸果種柏拉圖式戀愛題材受到全世界歡迎,對莎木3嘅製作係一種鼓勵<img src="/assets/faces/xm/angel.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" /> <img src="/assets/faces/xm/clown2.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" /> <img src="/assets/faces/xm/clown2.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" /> <img src="/assets/faces/xm/clown2.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" />完全唔明<img src="/assets/faces/xm/sosad.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" />
莎木3應該主題都係講愛情<img src="/assets/faces/xm/angel.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" /> <img src="/assets/faces/xm/chicken.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" />
YS: With Kimi no Na wa (Your Name) I paid particular attention to see how accepting audiences of today would be with respect to platonic love, but my worries were unfounded; it impressed upon me that it is a timeless theme.
YS: The movie Beauty and the Beast.
The acceptance around the world of the theme of platonic love has been an encouragement for our work on Shenmue III.
YS: It's faster to show you. (Suzuki starts his PC and launches a slideshow) Here we go, the three key points of the game are romance, characters' life and martial arts. Then my main goal is to use the latest advancements in technologies to express feelings through gaming situation.
望呀仆街涼<img src="/assets/faces/normal/kill.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" />
祝願各位今年有莎木打<img src="/assets/faces/xm/angel.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" />
<img src="/assets/faces/xm/hoho.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" /> <img src="/assets/faces/xm/angel.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" /> <img src="/assets/faces/xm/angel.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" /> <img src="/assets/faces/xm/angel.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" />
你可以等登玩到好感度低啲<img src="/assets/faces/xm/angel.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" /> <img src="/assets/faces/xm/hehe.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" />我都無睇過美女與野獸<img src="/assets/faces/xm/clown2.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" />完全唔明<img src="/assets/faces/xm/sosad.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" />日文好似話美女與野獸果種柏拉圖式戀愛題材受到全世界歡迎,對莎木3嘅製作係一種鼓勵<img src="/assets/faces/xm/angel.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" /> <img src="/assets/faces/xm/clown2.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" /> <img src="/assets/faces/xm/clown2.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" /> <img src="/assets/faces/xm/clown2.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" />
fb睇咗英文版話睇咗美女與野獸會參考放落莎木3,鍾意horizon zero dawn嘅色調
點放<img src="/assets/faces/normal/sosad.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" />
莎木3應該主題都係講愛情<img src="/assets/faces/xm/angel.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" /> <img src="/assets/faces/xm/chicken.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" />
YS: With Kimi no Na wa (Your Name) I paid particular attention to see how accepting audiences of today would be with respect to platonic love, but my worries were unfounded; it impressed upon me that it is a timeless theme.
YS: The movie Beauty and the Beast.
The acceptance around the world of the theme of platonic love has been an encouragement for our work on Shenmue III.
YS: It's faster to show you. (Suzuki starts his PC and launches a slideshow) Here we go, the three key points of the game are romance, characters' life and martial arts. Then my main goal is to use the latest advancements in technologies to express feelings through gaming situation.
望呀仆街涼<img src="/assets/faces/normal/kill.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" />
有冇得同鷹或者貴章成為密友帶著愛<img src="/assets/faces/xm/bomb.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" />肯定有鷹<img src="/assets/faces/xm/smile.png" class="hkgmoji pixelated" />
其實係咪肯定有鷹但未必有貴章<img src="/assets/faces/xm/flowerface.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" />
同鷹再玩mgs<img src="/assets/faces/xm/tongue.png" class="hkgmoji pixelated" /> 開機關<img src="/assets/faces/xm/clown.png" class="hkgmoji pixelated" />
仲可以控<img src="/assets/faces/xm/tongue.png" class="hkgmoji pixelated" />有冇得同鷹或者貴章成為密友帶著愛<img src="/assets/faces/xm/bomb.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" />肯定有鷹<img src="/assets/faces/xm/smile.png" class="hkgmoji pixelated" />
其實係咪肯定有鷹但未必有貴章<img src="/assets/faces/xm/flowerface.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" />
同鷹再玩mgs<img src="/assets/faces/xm/tongue.png" class="hkgmoji pixelated" /> 開機關<img src="/assets/faces/xm/clown.png" class="hkgmoji pixelated" />
可以瘋狂放飛刀<img src="/assets/faces/xm/kill.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" />
好期待鷹見到柴會講咩<img src="/assets/faces/xm/smile.png" class="hkgmoji pixelated" />
有門限之前可以留到4點真係好正<img src="/assets/faces/xm/bomb.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" />
好似12點先至走,我記憶中11點前都仲喺度 <img src="/assets/faces/xm/chicken.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" /> <img src="/assets/faces/xm/chicken.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" />幾點走,我記得好夜佢老婆都出埋嚟<img src="/assets/faces/xm/369_2.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" />唔記得TOM開到幾點收工,無限體力一早走左啦,得返架車<img src="/assets/faces/xm/clown2.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" />
涼8:30起身佢已經開工跳到夜晚11點<img src="/assets/faces/xm/sosad.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" />
好似係好返可以出街果日,好前<img src="/assets/faces/xm/devil.png" class="hkgmoji pixelated" /> <img src="/assets/faces/xm/agree.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" />有門限之前可以留到4點真係好正<img src="/assets/faces/xm/bomb.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" />
幾時可以留到四點?唔記得<img src="/assets/faces/normal/sosad.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" />
我以為係綁架電話一日,第一日未試過留咁耐<img src="/assets/faces/xm/oh.png" class="hkgmoji pixelated" />好似係好返可以出街果日,好前<img src="/assets/faces/xm/devil.png" class="hkgmoji pixelated" /> <img src="/assets/faces/xm/agree.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" />有門限之前可以留到4點真係好正<img src="/assets/faces/xm/bomb.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" />
幾時可以留到四點?唔記得<img src="/assets/faces/normal/sosad.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" />
<img src="/assets/faces/normal/sosad.gif" class="hkgmoji pixelated" />