We have identified some issues listed below and are currently considering to address these issues in a future update.
*The release date is yet to be determined.
Some currently known issues as of March 1, 2025
A network error occurs when firing an SOS flare right after a quest begins
Link Members are not prioritized over other players and may not appear in some places including Base Camps
Palico’s attacks with blunt weapons do not inflict stun and exhaust damages
When guarding a monster’s attack with a lance using Power Guard under certain conditions, the weapon flashes in red but the effect is not activated
(An issue we are investigating)
At the Smithy, an issue may occur where tutorials are repeatedly shown, disabling certain options in the menu.
無聲絕叫2025-03-02 02:57:39
(An issue we are investigating)
At the Smithy, an issue may occur where tutorials are repeatedly shown, disabling certain options in the menu.
つついあやめ2025-03-02 02:58:33
我部機日本買 我估個帳都係日本區 有冇辦法eshop買到中文版? ps5新手唔太識
肥媽大隻2025-03-02 02:59:06
暴大食屎系2025-03-02 02:59:18
昂坪3692025-03-02 02:59:34
貓奴人生(五世)2025-03-02 03:00:40
無常職人2025-03-02 03:00:57
去到上位 咪變返正常咁玩
老任啲game 咁多年都無咩故事
elden ring 唔通真係好多故事咩