[終於完 All Star Weekend] 2024-25 NBA常規賽討論區(26)

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2025-03-01 14:10:08
LeBron teach him well
2025-03-01 14:11:02
2025-03-01 14:11:10
出界違例challenge 今年轉左會睇埋有無uncalled foul. 所以有可能手術成功,但病人死亡.
2025-03-01 14:11:38
首輪湖勇狗咬狗 次輪私家雞塊
西決應屆mvp fta 最尾黃綠大戰
2025-03-01 14:14:40
有轉咗?但so far未見過有咁嘅判例
2025-03-01 14:15:00
2025-03-01 14:17:20
上季有bug位 記得有球打手粒波出界 最後challenge 成功 俾人話識玩規則漏洞所以今季改咗
2025-03-01 14:19:23
According to the league, here is what the new rule will look like. "Under the new rule, if instant replay of an out-of-bounds violation is triggered by a Coach’s Challenge, the on-court officials and Replay Center will be able to review the video to determine whether a foul proximate to the violation should have been called.

其實一直持球時手掌位打到都唔會吹. 唔係唔洗偷. 街場先會掂下都嗌foul
2025-03-01 14:19:25
Under the new rule, if instant replay of an out-of-bounds violation is triggered by a Coach’s Challenge, the on-court officials and Replay Center will be able to review the video to determine whether a foul proximate to the violation should have been called. The factors that will be considered in determining whether a prior uncalled foul is proximate to the out-of-bounds violation are below:
2025-03-01 14:20:10
睇rule book又唔見有加料

b. If an instant replay review of an out-of-bounds violation is triggered by a Challenge, the Replay Center Official will review the video to evaluate whether the out-of-bounds violation was correctly called.

The Replay Center Official may also review the video to determine only the following other matters:

(1) Whether the game clock expired prior to the ball being out-of-bounds;

(2) Whether the shot clock expired prior to the ball being out-of-bounds;

(3)Whether an 8-second backcourt violation occurred prior to the ball being out-of- bounds;

(4) How much time remains in the period and/or on the shot clock;

(5) Whether any unsportsmanlike acts or unnecessary contact occurred; and

(6)If the out-of-bounds violation called on the floor is overturned and that call occurred simultaneous to a successful shot attempt by the offensive player, whether the whistle sounded before or after the player started his shooting motion (See Rule No. 14—Section VI).
2025-03-01 14:21:08
湖人西3就係Lebron MVP啦
2025-03-01 14:21:55
I seeeee
update下先 thanks
2025-03-01 14:23:19

入面個示例就係上年playoff獨打狼kyrie嗰球 就係我講嗰球
2025-03-01 14:29:19
2025-03-01 14:31:21
上年係榮榮咁用 記得今年改左之後獨獨都因為咁overturn左次吹左對面犯
2025-03-01 14:32:28
2025-03-01 14:33:02
我都記得呢球 因為好bug所以記住咗
2025-03-01 14:39:15
Lebron Jb聯手送返勇上第六
2025-03-01 14:40:13
銀仔盤棋好大 trade當值就係為左湖勇
2025-03-01 14:44:38
2025-03-01 14:45:17
2025-03-01 14:46:04
2025-03-01 15:02:52
2025-03-01 15:08:07
換ant又無win now分分鐘win late都無
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞