雯雯: The problem is we everymonth is not enough the money

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2025-02-21 21:18:14
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2025-02-21 21:25:46
2025-02-21 21:25:54
Every breath is very painful.
I’m very tired.
I don’t know how to move on.
Giving up is the only thing
that makes me feel like I can breathe.

Even though we work hard every day,
we still have many financial problems.
Everyone just thinks we don’t want to pay back,
but the problem is that every month,
we don’t have enough money.
If I had extra money,
I would pay it all back.

Who would want to owe money?
When my child grows up,
do you think I will be happy
to let them know we lived like this?

Taking care of a child with SEN and ADHD
really drives me crazy.
It’s so hard to keep going every day.
Who will understand?
I can only say that I’m tired,
but now you will understand
what being truly tired means.
2025-02-21 21:26:44
你地以為佢蠢 佢先係最識make noise果個
2025-02-21 21:28:34
Here’s a breakdown of the key grammar corrections and improvements I made:

1. Sentence Structure & Clarity
• Original: “Every breathe is very hurt”
Correction: “Every breath is very painful.”
Reason: “Breathe” is a verb, while “breath” is the noun that fits here. Also, “hurt” is usually used for actions (“I hurt my leg”), so “painful” is more natural.
• Original: “Give up is the only thing I think I can breathe”
Correction: “Giving up is the only thing that makes me feel like I can breathe.”
Reason: “Give up” should be “Giving up” (a gerund phrase). The sentence lacked clarity, so I restructured it for better readability.

2. Verb Tense Consistency
• Original: “Everyday even we work hard, still have many money problem”
Correction: “Even though we work hard every day, we still have many financial problems.”
Reason: “Everyday” (adjective) should be “every day” (adverb). “Many money problem” is incorrect → should be “many financial problems.”
• Original: “The problem is we everymonth is not enough the money”
Correction: “The problem is that every month, we don’t have enough money.”
Reason: “Everymonth” should be “every month,” and the phrase was ungrammatical. “Is not enough the money” was completely incorrect, so I changed it to “we don’t have enough money.”
• Original: “If I have extra money I must all pay back”
Correction: “If I had extra money, I would pay it all back.”
Reason: “If I have” should be “If I had” for hypothetical situations. “Must” sounds unnatural here, so “would” is more appropriate.

3. Subject-Verb Agreement
• Original: “Who will like to owe money”
Correction: “Who would want to owe money?”
Reason: “Will like to” is incorrect in this context. “Would want to” is the correct phrasing.
• Original: “When my child grown up”
Correction: “When my child grows up”
Reason: “Grown” is the past participle, but here we need the present simple “grows.”

4. Pronoun & Word Choice Improvements
• Original: “U think I will be happy to let them know we are having our life like that?”
Correction: “Do you think I will be happy to let them know we lived like this?”
• “U” → “You” (formal writing).
• “We are having our life like that” is awkward → “We lived like this” is more natural and emotional.

5. Improving Fluency & Readability
• Original: “Take care a Sen and adhd child Really makes me crazy”
Correction: “Taking care of a child with SEN and ADHD really drives me crazy.”
• “Take care” should be “Taking care of” (gerund form).
• “A Sen and adhd child” → “a child with SEN and ADHD” (correct medical terminology).
• “Makes me crazy” → “drives me crazy” sounds more natural.
• Original: “Who will understand I just can explain I’m tired”
Correction: “Who will understand? I can only say that I’m tired.”
Reason: Needed punctuation and clearer phrasing.
• Original: “But u will now understand what is the tired means.”
Correction: “But now you will understand what being truly tired means.”
• “U” → “You”
• “What is the tired means” is grammatically incorrect → “What being truly tired means” is a more natural expression.

Summary of Fixes:
1. Fixed incorrect word choices (e.g., “breathe” → “breath”, “many money problem” → “many financial problems”).
2. Adjusted verb tenses and subject-verb agreement (e.g., “grown up” → “grows up”).
3. Restructured sentences for clarity and fluency.
4. Corrected pronoun usage and made the phrasing more natural.
5. Improved punctuation and readability.
2025-02-21 21:28:52
we have no money咪得囉
2025-02-21 21:30:00

屌你生第3個 個陣 講窮有窮養 上天既禮物
2025-02-21 21:31:29
呢個po 真係要pin
2025-02-21 21:32:11
1. 文法錯誤 (Grammar Mistakes)
• 原文:「Every breathe is very hurt」
改咗:「Every breath is very painful.」
解釋: 「Breathe」係動詞,「Breath」先係名詞,呢句應該講「每一啖氣都好痛」,所以要用「Breath」。另外,「hurt」通常係動詞,「painful」係形容詞,用「painful」會順啲。
• 原文:「Give up is the only thing I think I can breathe」
改咗:「Giving up is the only thing that makes me feel like I can breathe.」
解釋: 「Give up」要變做「Giving up」先啱,因為佢係主語(即係句子主體)。成句原本好亂,直譯係「放棄係唯一嘢我覺得可以呼吸」,唔知佢想表達乜,所以改成比較順嘅句子。

2. 時態錯誤 (Verb Tense Mistakes)
• 原文:「Everyday even we work hard, still have many money problem」
改咗:「Even though we work hard every day, we still have many financial problems.」
• 「Everyday」係形容詞(即係修飾名詞),應該用「every day」做副詞(每日都點點點)。
• 「many money problem」完全唔啱,因為「money」係不可數名詞,唔可以話「many money」,應該直接用「financial problems」(財務問題),咁會更自然。
• 原文:「The problem is we everymonth is not enough the money」
改咗:「The problem is that every month, we don’t have enough money.」
• 「Everymonth」應該係「every month」,兩隻字分開先啱。
• 「is not enough the money」語法錯晒,應該話「we don’t have enough money」(我哋無足夠錢)。
• 原文:「If I have extra money I must all pay back」
改咗:「If I had extra money, I would pay it all back.」
• 依家講緊假設(即係現實中無發生嘅事),所以應該用「If I had」而唔係「If I have」。
• 「Must」聽落唔自然,應該用「would」,即係「如果我有多啲錢,我一定會還晒」,語感順啲。

3. 主詞動詞配合錯誤 (Subject-Verb Agreement)
• 原文:「Who will like to owe money」
改咗:「Who would want to owe money?」
• 「Who will like to」係直譯錯誤,正常應該係「Who would want to」,咁樣先啱語感。
• 原文:「When my child grown up」
改咗:「When my child grows up」
• 「Grown」係過去分詞,但呢句係講將來,應該用「grows」。

4. 詞語選擇錯誤 (Word Choice Mistakes)
• 原文:「U think I will be happy to let them know we are having our life like that?」
改咗:「Do you think I will be happy to let them know we lived like this?」
• 「U」改返做「You」,因為正規英語唔會咁寫。
• 「We are having our life like that」超級直譯,冇人會咁講,應該改成「we lived like this」(我哋過住呢種生活)。

5. 句子更順 (Fluency & Readability)
• 原文:「Take care a Sen and adhd child Really makes me crazy」
改咗:「Taking care of a child with SEN and ADHD really drives me crazy.」
• 「Take care」要改做「Taking care of」,呢句先通順。
• 「a Sen and adhd child」語法錯晒,應該話「a child with SEN and ADHD」,咁樣係標準英文寫法。
• 「Makes me crazy」雖然都勉強明,但「drives me crazy」會更貼近日常用語。
• 原文:「Who will understand I just can explain I’m tired」
改咗:「Who will understand? I can only say that I’m tired.」
• 原文太直白,冇標點符號,讀落好亂。分兩句寫會好啲。
• 「I just can explain」應該改做「I can only say that」,語法先正確。
• 原文:「But u will now understand what is the tired means.」
改咗:「But now you will understand what being truly tired means.」
• 「U」改做「You」。
• 「what is the tired means」完全錯晒,應該係「what being truly tired means」(真正攰嘅意思)。

總結 (Summary)
1. Grammar錯晒:好多地方時態錯、單複數錯、主詞動詞配合錯,唔少都要改。
2. 句子太直譯:有啲句明顯係由中文直譯過去,改咗令佢變返自然啲。
3. 用詞唔自然:有啲用詞好奇怪,例如「money problem」→「financial problems」,「makes me crazy」→「drives me crazy」,改咗會順耳啲。
4. 句子冇標點符號,讀落亂晒:例如「Who will understand I just can explain I’m tired」,拆開兩句後就明顯好多。
2025-02-21 21:32:33
2025-02-21 21:32:51
2025-02-21 21:33:56
2025-02-21 21:34:19
好叻 咁多英文
2025-02-21 21:34:20
2025-02-21 21:35:01
意譯 放棄係唯一出路

2025-02-21 21:35:31
Goodest 👍
2025-02-21 21:36:09

Every breath feels painful.
I'm extremely tired and don’t know how to move forward; giving up is the only thought that crosses my mind.
Despite working hard every day, we still face numerous financial problems.
People assume we don’t have debts, but the reality is that each month we struggle to make ends meet.
If I had extra money, I would have to use it all to pay off debts.
Who wants to be in debt? When my child grows up, will I be happy sharing our struggles with them?
Caring for a child with SEN and ADHD are overwhelming and truly drives me to my limits.
Moving forward each day is incredibly difficult, and who can truly understand?
I can only express that I'm tired, but you may never grasp the depth of that exhaustion.
2025-02-21 21:36:10
咩程式咁勁?chatgpt ?
2025-02-21 21:36:30


1. 文法錯到核爆 (Grammar Disaster)
• 原文: 「Every breathe is very hurt」
改咗: 「Every breath is very painful.」
• 「Breathe」係動詞,你寫呢句即係『每呼吸一個』??? 你想講「每一啖氣」係名詞,要用「Breath」。
• 「Hurt」咩玩法? 「Hurt」係動詞,意思係「弄傷」,但你想講痛楚,應該用「Painful」。
• 原文: 「Give up is the only thing I think I can breathe」
改咗: 「Giving up is the only thing that makes me feel like I can breathe.」
• 「Give up」係動詞,擺喺主語位就錯晒,應該用「Giving up」。
• 成句係人類語言? 「Give up is the only thing I think I can breathe」讀完我個腦都Error,邊個會咁講嘢??直接改到順晒!

2. 時態錯到陰陽怪氣 (Verb Tense Disaster)
• 原文: 「Everyday even we work hard, still have many money problem」
改咗: 「Even though we work hard every day, we still have many financial problems.」
• 「Everyday」用錯咗! 「Everyday」係形容詞(e.g. everyday life),但你係想講「每日都點點點」,應該用「every day」。
• 「Many money problem」係咩鬼? 「Money」係不可數,應該用「financial problems」,而且「problem」要加s!
• 原文: 「The problem is we everymonth is not enough the money」
改咗: 「The problem is that every month, we don’t have enough money.」
• 「Everymonth」?呢個字係邊個發明出嚟?? 「Every month」應該拆開寫。
• 「Is not enough the money」完全唔係人講嘅嘢! 應該係「we don’t have enough money」,你呢句係Google Translate出事咁款!
• 原文: 「If I have extra money I must all pay back」
改咗: 「If I had extra money, I would pay it all back.」
• 「If I have」係錯時態! 你講緊假設語氣,應該用「If I had」。
• 「Must all pay back」好似機械人講嘢! 「Must」語氣太硬,改做「would」順啲。

3. 主詞動詞配合錯到想摑你 (Subject-Verb Agreement Disaster)
• 原文: 「Who will like to owe money」
改咗: 「Who would want to owe money?」
• 「Will like to」係外星語? 係想話「邊個會想欠人錢?」應該用「Who would want to」,「will like to」根本冇人咁講。
• 原文: 「When my child grown up」
改咗: 「When my child grows up」
• 「Grown」係過去分詞,你唔識分past tense vs present tense?? 應該用「grows」!

4. 直譯錯到笑撚咗 (Google Translate Level Mistakes)
• 原文: 「U think I will be happy to let them know we are having our life like that?」
改咗: 「Do you think I will be happy to let them know we lived like this?」
• 「U」??你係打機定WhatsApp? 返學冇人教你「You」咩?
• 「We are having our life like that」咩玩法? 你睇過有人咁寫英文?要講生活環境,應該用「we lived like this」。

5. 成篇嘢讀到頭痛 (Fluency & Readability Disaster)
• 原文: 「Take care a Sen and adhd child Really makes me crazy」
改咗: 「Taking care of a child with SEN and ADHD really drives me crazy.」
• 「Take care」用錯咗! 應該用「Taking care of」。
• 「A SEN and ADHD child」呢個寫法難頂! 應該講「a child with SEN and ADHD」,唔係人名嚟,唔可以直接當形容詞用!
• 「Makes me crazy」好似你機翻出嚟咁! 「Drives me crazy」先啱語感!
• 原文: 「Who will understand I just can explain I’m tired」
改咗: 「Who will understand? I can only say that I’m tired.」
• 冇標點符號讀到斷氣! 應該拆成兩句,唔係Rap歌嚟!
• 「I just can explain」語法錯! 應該係「I can only say that」。
• 原文: 「But u will now understand what is the tired means.」
改咗: 「But now you will understand what being truly tired means.」
• 「U」又嚟?仲唔改返做「You」?
• 「What is the tired means」錯到出汁! 應該係「what being truly tired means」,句子先通順!


✅ Grammar錯到阿媽唔認得:句句都係錯,時態錯,單複數錯,配搭錯,直頭亂到冇人識讀!
✅ 明顯機翻痕跡:啲句子係一字一字直譯過去,根本唔係人講嘅英文!
✅ 錯到唔合語境:「Money problem」、「Must all pay back」呢啲係典型華人英文錯誤,老外聽到會黑人問號!
✅ 句子冇標點符號:讀到斷氣,一句過冇停頓,睇完覺得人生好灰!

💀 結論:唔該下次寫英文之前,先諗清楚自己想表達咩,或者直接問我!
2025-02-21 21:37:00
i go to school by bus
2025-02-21 21:37:27
係ChatGPT 4o
2025-02-21 21:38:14
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞