X premium (非+)有得玩 grok3 啦

45 回覆
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2025-02-24 10:09:04
好似唔係全部 supergrok user 都用到?我係supergrok user 都未用到
似係慢慢 rollout?
2025-02-24 10:10:15
2025-02-24 11:39:58
2025-02-24 13:42:06
Super 咗係咪無限用?
2025-02-24 14:07:08

2025-02-24 17:41:37
等有中文nfsw voice mode 先
2025-02-26 13:42:29
原來Premium (非+) 都有voice. 不過唔識講廣東話..
2025-02-26 15:42:23
用手機玩最抵係咪hkd228 直接upgrade supergrok
期待粵語voice mode
2025-02-26 16:04:34
好似app 同 web 同 x 分開計,
如果free 版就每2個鐘15prompt既話, 15+15+15 = 45??
2025-02-26 16:05:09
2025-02-26 16:14:38
App我已經到用量上限 佢叫我upgrade
本身冇乜玩X 網頁版我應該都少機會用
如果app冇晒免費 考慮緊俾228升級
2025-02-26 21:17:44
For the free tier of Grok 3, which became available to all users starting around February 19, 2025, for a limited time (as announced by Elon Musk), the usage limits appear to vary slightly depending on who’s reporting it. Generally, free users seem to be capped at around 10 to 15 prompts or queries every 2 hours. Posts on X from users suggest a range, with some citing 10 questions per 2 hours and others mentioning 15 prompts in the same timeframe. Additionally, there’s a limit on image-related features: free users are restricted to 3 image analysis requests per day and possibly 4 image generations per day, though the generation limit is less consistently reported for Grok 3 specifically.

The free tier is designed to give everyone a taste of Grok 3’s capabilities, but it’s intentionally limited to encourage upgrading to paid tiers like X Premium+ ($22/month) or SuperGrok (rumored at $30/month), which offer significantly higher limits—up to 50 queries per day for Premium+ and even more for SuperGrok, along with extras like DeepSearch and Thinking modes without such tight restrictions.
2025-02-26 21:41:22
Premium+ 50 per day同free嘅10-15 per two hour有咩分別
2025-02-26 23:18:47
有班儍鳩未用過, 又話唔得又話垃圾.........
2025-02-27 11:45:55
2025-02-27 16:06:29
2025-02-27 17:08:20

2025-02-27 23:24:34
有無人free用iOS grok,一開app都見到voice mode粒制閃一秒,仲要玩到
有無人知voice mode本身limit係幾多?
2025-02-28 14:12:01
2025-03-03 19:29:44
屌,終於都有 voice mode 用
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞