其實兩院(tom cotton 做其中一個chairman) 有出report講Synthetic Opioid Trafficking
Canada as a Source of Synthetic Opioids
is not known to be a major source of fentanyl, other synthetic opioids, or precursor chemicals to the United States , a conclusion primarily drawn from seizure data. That said, domestic production does occur illegally, and U.S. Customs and Border Protection
has seized small amounts of fentanyl items (mostly counterfeit tablets or diverted medications) at ports of entry, including mail facilities.60 Canadian criminal groups have the equipment, facilities, and expertise to increase the supply of illegally manufactured fentanyl.
The domestic Canadian fentanyl market has attracted organized crime groups because of its tremendous profitability and ease of entry into the market.61 Canada might also be attractive for new entrants to the illicit synthetic opioids market because of its proximity to the U.S. market. Future interdiction efforts might need to account for any possible increases in synthetic opioid trafficking at the northern border or by mail coming from Canada.
That said, the quality and composition of illegally manufactured fentanyl in Canada is not readily known at this time, and illegal operators in that country
so far do not appear to be exporting large quantities of bulk fentanyl or counterfeit tablets, unlike Mexico as evidenced by seizures.
不過愛侵力成日FF加拿大係如同製毒大國墨西哥咁日日偷運fentanyl去美國毒害美國人,所以要加加拿大25% tariff
唔睇兩院報告都睇下侵侵第一任期既DEA intelligence report
While Mexico and China
are the primary source countries for fentanyl and fentanyl-related substances trafficked directly into the United States, India is emerging as a source for finished fentanyl powder and fentanyl precursor chemicals
連加拿大都廢事開個段落講,係得2a 講 Some fentanyl products are smuggled from Canada into the United States for sale,
on a smaller scale
份report竟然講印度仲長過加拿大,照愛侵力邏輯應該加埋印度25% tariff