LIHKG is a sick forum isn’t it?
Totally full of neo-nazis defending what Elon has done during the inauguration ceremony. We all know that he did a Nazi gesture during the ceremony, yet those brainrots on LIHKG trying to defend him using pictures of the democrats looks like they are doing the same while in fact it’s just a hand wave.
連登班人有病?居然捍衛elon musk係就職典禮上所做嘅事。我地都知佢係儀式上做出左納粹手勢,但連登班on9仔用民主黨人嘅相黎為佢辯護,但實際上只係揮下手
LIHKG is full of sexists, racists, classists people without sympathy.
It is LIHKG, always toxic, always act like they know it all for US politics, always full of incels