周庭指餐廳Tony's Hell不誠實詐騙

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2024-11-18 02:22:22
捱過疫情 做飲食市道又唔好
俾佢講一講真係多得佢唔少 一睇就知心地唔好
2024-11-18 02:25:21
周庭po 咗食物相
Live觀眾估到係Tony’s Hell
2024-11-18 02:26:23
周庭po 咗食物相
Live觀眾估到係Tony’s Hell
2024-11-18 02:32:05
2024-11-18 02:50:05
其實請親任何有名氣而又唔認識既人黎自己鋪頭, 都係想賣廣告
因為佢唔會請你唔會請我, 點解請周庭? 因為佢有價值
2024-11-18 03:02:44
Maison Boulud: Located within the Ritz-Carlton Montreal, Maison Boulud offers refined French cuisine. Prices typically range from $20 to $65 per dish, with a three-course meal averaging around $100 per person.

Toqué!: A pioneer in Quebec's farm-to-table movement, Toqué! features market-driven menus. The tasting menu is priced at approximately $235 per person, with optional wine pairings available at an additional cost.

Le 9e - Restaurant Ile de France: This historic restaurant combines traditional French culinary traditions with contemporary Montreal influences. While specific pricing details are not provided, it's advisable to contact the restaurant directly for current menu prices.

Henri Brasserie Française: Set in the landmark Birks Building, Henri presents cuisine inspired by grand French brasseries. Prices are generally in the moderate to high range, with main courses averaging between $30 and $50.

Vin Mon Lapin: Located in Little Italy, Vin Mon Lapin offers a unique dining experience. Prices are moderate, with dishes typically ranging from $15 to $30, allowing for a more flexible dining budget.

2024-11-18 03:03:26
Maison Boulud: Located within the Ritz-Carlton Montreal, Maison Boulud offers refined French cuisine. Prices typically range from $20 to $65 per dish, with a three-course meal averaging around $100 per person. ​​

Toqué!: A pioneer in Quebec's farm-to-table movement, Toqué! features market-driven menus. The tasting menu is priced at approximately $235 per person, with optional wine pairings available at an additional cost. ​​

Le 9e - Restaurant Ile de France: This historic restaurant combines traditional French culinary traditions with contemporary Montreal influences. While specific pricing details are not provided, it's advisable to contact the restaurant directly for current menu prices.

Henri Brasserie Française: Set in the landmark Birks Building, Henri presents cuisine inspired by grand French brasseries. Prices are generally in the moderate to high range, with main courses averaging between $30 and $50.

Vin Mon Lapin: Located in Little Italy, Vin Mon Lapin offers a unique dining experience. Prices are moderate, with dishes typically ranging from $15 to $30, allowing for a more flexible dining budget.

2024-11-18 03:03:54

Maison Boulud: Located within the Ritz-Carlton Montreal, Maison Boulud offers refined French cuisine. Prices typically range from $20 to $65 per dish, with a three-course meal averaging around $100 per person. ​​

Toqué!: A pioneer in Quebec's farm-to-table movement, Toqué! features market-driven menus. The tasting menu is priced at approximately $235 per person, with optional wine pairings available at an additional cost. ​​

Le 9e - Restaurant Ile de France: This historic restaurant combines traditional French culinary traditions with contemporary Montreal influences. While specific pricing details are not provided, it's advisable to contact the restaurant directly for current menu prices.

Henri Brasserie Française: Set in the landmark Birks Building, Henri presents cuisine inspired by grand French brasseries. Prices are generally in the moderate to high range, with main courses averaging between $30 and $50.

Vin Mon Lapin: Located in Little Italy, Vin Mon Lapin offers a unique dining experience. Prices are moderate, with dishes typically ranging from $15 to $30, allowing for a more flexible dining budget.

2024-11-18 03:06:03
2024-11-18 03:06:47

Maison Boulud: Located within the Ritz-Carlton Montreal, Maison Boulud offers refined French cuisine. Prices typically range from $20 to $65 per dish, with a three-course meal averaging around $100 per person. ​​

Toqué!: A pioneer in Quebec's farm-to-table movement, Toqué! features market-driven menus. The tasting menu is priced at approximately $235 per person, with optional wine pairings available at an additional cost. ​​

Le 9e - Restaurant Ile de France: This historic restaurant combines traditional French culinary traditions with contemporary Montreal influences. While specific pricing details are not provided, it's advisable to contact the restaurant directly for current menu prices.

Henri Brasserie Française: Set in the landmark Birks Building, Henri presents cuisine inspired by grand French brasseries. Prices are generally in the moderate to high range, with main courses averaging between $30 and $50.

Vin Mon Lapin: Located in Little Italy, Vin Mon Lapin offers a unique dining experience. Prices are moderate, with dishes typically ranging from $15 to $30, allowing for a more flexible dining budget.
2024-11-18 03:07:18

Maison Boulud: Located within the Ritz-Carlton Montreal, Maison Boulud offers refined French cuisine. Prices typically range from $20 to $65 per dish, with a three-course meal averaging around $100 per person. ​​

Toqué!: A pioneer in Quebec's farm-to-table movement, Toqué! features market-driven menus. The tasting menu is priced at approximately $235 per person, with optional wine pairings available at an additional cost. ​​

Le 9e - Restaurant Ile de France: This historic restaurant combines traditional French culinary traditions with contemporary Montreal influences. While specific pricing details are not provided, it's advisable to contact the restaurant directly for current menu prices.

Henri Brasserie Française: Set in the landmark Birks Building, Henri presents cuisine inspired by grand French brasseries. Prices are generally in the moderate to high range, with main courses averaging between $30 and $50.

Vin Mon Lapin: Located in Little Italy, Vin Mon Lapin offers a unique dining experience. Prices are moderate, with dishes typically ranging from $15 to $30, allowing for a more flexible dining budget.
2024-11-18 03:08:25
2024-11-18 03:16:49
2024-11-18 03:19:58
2024-11-18 03:25:23
2024-11-18 03:28:50

2024-11-18 03:29:23
2024-11-18 04:12:34
間餐廳扮黃搵食 又唔識人情世故抵俾人屌

IG 主動dm周庭幾次請食飯 扮同路人

原來係想R周庭出Ig post tag人

俾人reject咗 唔俾po 就覺得蝕底


周youtube 出片發洩吓

但係間餐廳就衝出嚟柒 叫埋班打手幫手洗白
2024-11-18 04:57:03

2024-11-18 04:59:03
2024-11-18 05:08:59
間餐廳食相咁差 玩彈弓手

閪撚過d藍店 就算周直接開名都冇問題

2024-11-18 05:45:15
2024-11-18 05:46:01
2024-11-18 06:00:56
2024-11-18 07:14:53


個店主本質同藍屍冇分別 有著數咪做

冇著數就理撚得你 做生意要搵錢冇問題

吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞