英超球證David Coote因辱罵利物浦與高普影片流出而遭停職!!!

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2024-11-13 15:27:24
2024-11-13 23:13:56
When will VAR be used in Premier League matches?

The VAR is constantly monitoring the match.

VAR is used only for "clear and obvious errors" or "serious missed incidents" in four match-changing situations: goals; penalty decisions; direct red-card incidents; and mistaken identity.

But factual decisions such as offsides, and the issue of whether a player is inside or outside the penalty area, are not subject to the "clear and obvious" test.

If the VAR sees an error has been made in such a situation they will intervene, regardless of how marginal the decision is.

There is a high bar for the VARs to intervene on subjective decisions, to maintain the pace and intensity of matches.

How does it work?

For subjective decisions, either the referee informs the VAR that a decision should be reviewed or the VAR identifies a “clear and obvious error” in one of the four match-changing situations and communicates this to the referee.

At the next stoppage of the match, the referee will hold up the restart of play until a decision has been reached.

The referee explains their decision to the VAR, and what they have seen from the pitch.

The VAR reviews the broadcast footage, using as many angles as possible. Real-time replays will be used initially to check for intensity. Slow-motion replays will be used to identify the point of contact.

If the VAR’s view does not agree with what the referee believes they have seen then they can recommend an overturn
2024-11-13 23:32:18
我洗鬼你copy and paste番官網上嘅野?


1. 無判罰碧福特係邊個決定?
2. 越位在先係邊個係邊個決定?
2024-11-13 23:41:34
你又要問VAR點運作 官網解釋咪最official
紅字Highlight 埋俾你

VAR is used only for "clear and obvious errors" or "serious missed incidents" in four match-changing situations: goals; penalty decisions; direct red-card incidents; and mistaken identity.

But factual decisions such as offsides, and the issue of whether a player is inside or outside the penalty area, are not subject to the "clear and obvious" test.

If the VAR’s view does not agree with what the referee believes they have seen then they can recommend an overturn

Quote 返你嗰段
2024-11-14 00:07:55


1. 「VAR翻看後決定是越位」係邊個嘅決定/判決?

2. 要「再看那記攔截,並向碧福特出示紅牌。」嘅話,咁應該係由邊個球證去做?
2024-11-14 00:24:40
咁我假設你認同先會quote 嚟用

兩個問題都可以睇返我quote official 嗰段

VAR is used only for "clear and obvious errors" or "serious missed incidents" in four match-changing situations: ….direct red-card incidents

判越位 VAR同意 呢度無爭議

而家failed 個位係VAR球證冇去睇係咪 serious missed incidents , situation 係 direct red card incidents

所以應該由VAR球證提出嗰記攔截應該係紅牌 再由主球證判斷是否紅牌
2024-11-14 00:26:27
第2 咪var 要call球證睇
Var唔叫 球證睇片咪唔知 有嚴重犯規囉

球證睇唔到 var球證咪要出聲囉
2024-11-14 10:41:02
罵利物浦咪算 條撚樣比人拍片踢爆吸毒咁癲
2024-11-14 11:09:50
2024-11-14 11:22:50
2024-11-14 11:28:56
2024-11-14 13:11:09
基於我覺得你睇唔明英文,我將以下呢段餵畀google translate 再畀你望多次

If the VAR’s view does not agree with what the referee believes they have seen then they can recommend an overturn = 如果 VAR 的觀點與裁判認為他們所看到的不一致,那麼他們可以建議推翻
2024-11-14 13:13:27
基於我覺得你睇唔明英文,我將以下呢段餵畀google translate 再畀你望多次

If the VAR’s view does not agree with what the referee believes they have seen then they can recommend an overturn = 如果 VAR 的觀點與裁判認為他們所看到的不一致,那麼他們可以建議推翻
2024-11-14 13:30:05
2024-11-14 13:42:15
2024-11-14 14:13:40
2024-11-14 17:22:11
2024-11-15 01:25:20
見你咁蠢 咁我直接d

2024-11-15 01:32:05

下面係Michael Oliver 講嘅:
"Ultimately, even with VAR, it's still my decision. I'm the one who makes the decision on the field. And if I get it right first time around, there is no reason for VAR to get involved. Now that I can go and watch on a pitchside monitor, you've got a second chance, too. You can change your mind or stick with it.

source: https://www.skysports.com/football/news/11095/12184035/virgil-van-dijk-referee-michael-oliver-admits-mistake-over-jordan-pickford-tackle-on-liverpool-defender
2024-11-15 03:16:02
你個source 咪完全解答咗你自己嘅問題

個article入面Michael Oliver有講

“…We should have restarted with the offside, as we did, but with a different punishment for Jordan Pickford."

你紅字嗰段 “…if I get it right first time around, there is no reason for VAR to get involved’”



識得用個 if/如果 未?
2024-11-15 03:56:13
Var 球證睇到慢鏡 理應叫球證睇
Var 咁都同意咪即係var有問題囉
主球證都話睇左片 覺得要俾紅


所以應該由VAR球證提出嗰記攔截應該係紅牌 再由主球證判斷是否紅牌
2024-11-15 17:02:34
2024-11-15 17:07:17
2024-11-15 22:46:43
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