呢幅圖show 到海倫把握力其實幾勁, 因為佢xGOT 高過xG 好多
如果xG 係show 射波之前入球機率, xGOT 就係代表射門之後入波機率
兩者相差愈大, 就愈代表球員把握力愈強
例如: 福上季對鏝個球遠射, 本身xG 極低, 因為距離遠, 但佢射死角所以xGOT 好高
check 番Fotmob 數據:
海倫 xGOT 1.59 - xG 1.03 = +0.56
Gyokeres xGOT 12.90 - xG12.15 = +0.75
夏撚 xGOT 10.54 - xG 9.71 = +0.83
數據上海倫射門機會極少, 但比例上佢把握力好過Gyokeres 唔少
當然係咪真係俾10倍射門機會佢, 佢都仲keep 到呢個把握力就另作別論
相關reference 可以參考呢度:
We can use these xGOT values as an indicator, over a given time period, for how well a player is shooting. For example, a player whose xGOT is exceeding their xG is executing better quality shots, given the quality of chances he has attempted shots from. We call this difference between xGOT and xG, Shooting Goals Added (or SGA).