Event Wonder Pick Details
Occasionally, for the next 2 weeks, you'll have the chance to get a special type of wonder pick.
When a Wonder Pick expires, it will be replaced with one of the following:
Normal Wonder Pick - 77.5%
Event Bonus Pick - 20%
Event Chansey Pick - 2.5%
The Event picks are as shown below:
Chansey Pick - Costs 2x Wonder Stamina
Promo Chansey
Promo Chansey / Promo Meowth
Promo Chansey / Promo Meowth
Promo Chansey / Promo Meowth
Promo Meowth
(In short, the 5 slots are randomly either Promo Chansey or Promo Meowth, with each at least having one available)
Bonus Pick - Free
Promo Chansey / Promo Meowth / Chansey / Meowth
Event Ticket x1
Event Ticket x1
Wonder Hourglass x2
Wonder Hourglass x2
2.5%免費....樓上係咪用晒D運係依到, 你仆街啦