IB用家討論區 (14)

986 回覆
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2024-12-18 19:00:26
2024-12-18 19:03:15
長知識 要預幾多日
2024-12-18 19:06:04
post #1 第七點
2024-12-18 19:12:38
fx T+2
債/股票 T+1

2024-12-18 19:16:03
屌 受教了
2024-12-19 11:55:36
你地傭金個part 係揀fixed or tiered?
2024-12-19 17:11:28
2024-12-21 12:30:57
有人會買boxx , 佢係用option沖tbill升價唔派息,想食息就賣貨,咁好似唔會走派dividend ,比WHT 個流程
2024-12-21 12:33:24
When comparing the Alpha Architect 1-3 Month Box ETF (BOXX) and the iShares 0-3 Month Treasury Bond ETF (SGOV), there are several key factors to consider, including their management style, performance, expense ratios, and tax implications.

Overview of BOXX and SGOV
Management Style:
BOXX: Actively managed by Alpha Architect, launched on December 27, 2022.
SGOV: Passively managed by iShares, tracking the ICE 0-3 Month US Treasury Bill Index, launched on May 26, 2020.
Performance Comparison
Year-to-Date Returns:
BOXX: 4.95%
SGOV: 5.16% [1].
Total Returns:
BOXX has shown a total return of 12.97% since inception, while SGOV has a significantly higher total return of 21.81% [1].
BOXX has a higher volatility of 0.18% compared to SGOV's 0.07%, indicating that BOXX's price experiences larger fluctuations [1].
Expense Ratios
BOXX: 0.20%
SGOV: 0.03% [1].
Both funds are considered low-cost compared to the broader market.
Dividend Yields
BOXX: Approximately 0.26%
SGOV: Approximately 5.11% [1].
SGOV offers a significantly higher yield, making it more attractive for income-focused investors.
Tax Efficiency
BOXX: Utilizes a strategy involving synthetic positions that may provide tax advantages, as gains from options can be taxed more favorably compared to interest from T-bills [3].
SGOV: Interest earned is taxed as ordinary income, which can be less favorable for investors in higher tax brackets [3].
Risk and Drawdowns
Maximum Drawdown:
BOXX: -0.12%
SGOV: -0.03% [1].
This indicates that SGOV has experienced less severe price declines compared to BOXX.
In summary, BOXX and SGOV cater to different investment strategies and preferences. BOXX may appeal to those seeking a potentially more tax-efficient investment with active management, while SGOV is suitable for investors looking for a stable, income-generating option with lower volatility and a higher yield. The choice between the two will depend on individual investment goals, risk tolerance, and tax considerations.
2024-12-21 13:48:02
2024-12-21 23:14:55
2024-12-23 01:41:00
新手一問我係手機app download左IBKR mobile自己開戶係咪無咁好?係咪用referral先比較好?
2024-12-23 01:58:36
2024-12-23 07:22:58
2024-12-23 10:12:13
我可以畀rebate 你

2024-12-23 10:31:14
2024-12-23 10:34:01
2024-12-23 12:43:35
有無巴打可以解答下Forex唔係open 247? 點解而家係Market is closed
2024-12-23 12:44:59
2024-12-23 13:24:05
forex 本身因為好多國家之間都交易



2024-12-23 13:36:52
Thanks 巴打
問多樣 下面顯示open position嘅box一重新登入就無咗 係唔係正常?
2024-12-23 13:45:31
2024-12-23 13:46:39
有P/L易睇 好奇點解佢唔一直擺係到
2024-12-23 13:51:18
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞