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2024-10-25 18:28:16
25 Oct 1942, Barbara Anslow's diary
//Great excitement, many planes about, very high. Some people saw ack-ack puffs later (Olive did). I thought I heard bangs too - grand if so, though it's probably goodbye to our Red Cross parcels.

Mr G. Buchanan died suddenly. On Bowling Green. I went to Mr Carrie (W.J.) about funeral arrangements. Mr Puckle ((Director of Air Raid Precautions, my boss)) lives there too.//

//25 Oct 1942, Chronology of Events Related to Stanley Civilian Internment Camp
The first American air raid on Hong Kong and parts of it are seen by the internees.

Details of the raid:

CHINA AIR TASK FORCE (CATF): 12 B-25s and 7 P-40s, led by Colonel Merian Cooper, hit Kowloon Docks at Hong Kong; 21 aircraft intercept; 1 B-25 and 1P-40 are shot down; this marks the first loss of a CATF B-25 in combat; the Japanese interceptors are virtually annihilated; during the night of 25/26Oct 6 B-25s, on the first CATF night strike, continue pounding Hong Kong, bombing the North Point power plant which provides electricity for the shipyards; 3 other B-25s bomb the secondary target, the Canton warehouse area, causing several large explosions and fires.

M. L. Bevan reports 'great jubilation'.

Edith Hamson:

I was working in the garden...when a slick-looking American aeroplane with a deep-droning engine swooped low overhead. As I watched it pass, I jumped up and raised my arms high in the sky and cheered. Everyone around me was doing the same, the reaction spreading through the camp. Arthur appeared from nowhere, his excitement overflowing as he screamed out with delight.//


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