Please print out this form and fax the form to 1-310-533-3700 or mail it to NeoPets, Inc.,P.O. Box 184, Torrance, CA 90507.
I, ________________________________________ (print parent's name), the parent or legal guardian of ______________________________________ (print child's name), have had the opportunity to review the Neopets Privacy Policy at the link provided above. By signing below, I authorize my child to fully participate in the site.
I understand that in consenting to my child's registration at the site, I am enabling my child to participate in all communication aspects of the site, including posting and reading messages on message boards, live chat and sending and receiving Neomails or similar messages.
I understand that participation in these activities may enable my child to publicly post personal information (e.g., e-mail address) that will be accessible to other visitors, although Neopets discourages such posts. I further understand that what other visitors do with this information is beyond the control of Neopets.
I also understand that my child's information will be collected and processed in the United States and that the site uses cookies as described in the Neopets Privacy Policy. I consent to these practices. I understand that I may withdraw my permission granted herein, with written notice as set forth in the Neopets Privacy Policy, at any time.
I also understand that it is important to provide accurate information in this consent form in case Neopets needs to contact me for any reason.
Parent's signature ______________________________________________
Dated this __________ day of __________, 201______.
Parent's e-mail address: _____________________________________________________
Child's screen name: _____________________________________________________
Child's e-mail address: _____________________________________________________
Child's birth date: __________________/_________________/________________