我車過兩個American tourist, I talked with them. They say 中產係very 辛苦,交重稅,養非法移民
而且boarder 戈邊仲不斷有非法移民入境
佢地話一定投侵Make America Great Again!
niggerfaggot692024-10-22 01:42:39
And how does that affect you??
高學歷的士佬2024-10-22 01:42:45
I tell you the truth, not lying
高學歷的士佬2024-10-22 01:43:02
My stock will soar.
NVD32024-10-22 01:45:12
DJT 手足
少少地睇返上次高位80 先
爽過返香港2024-10-22 01:55:15
As a 哲學家,I tell you that China is number one, the world is number two, which is like a piece of shit!
利申人在尾國我愛祖國,我係尾中國人呀屌,I’m from Hong KongChina.