Come to me!drakness,which call to death(詛咒系)
緩慢術:Slow 真言術:Power Word Stun 石化術:stonization 混亂術:confusion
毒擊術:Poisoning 毒雲術:Cloud Kill 誘發疾病:Falling Disease
吸血鬼之觸:Vampire Touch 視力喪失:Blindness 蛛網術:Web
The fellow of light,let me borrow your power(閃電系)
照明術:Light 閃電防禦術:Resist Lightning 雷電召喚:Lightning Bolt
連環電擊:Chain Lightning 超新星電擊:Nova 電擊術:Lightning
守護星:Twinkle Star 半徑5格雷擊術:Radius 5 tile Lightning
高階電擊術:Great Lightning
Darkness ,let them feel the pain of the coldness(冰凍系)
寒冷防禦術:Resist Ice 冰箭術:Ice Arrow 冰彈:Ice Ball
半徑5格冰環術:Freeze 5 tile Radius 冰牆術:Ice Wall
旋冰咒:Circle Ice 半徑9格冰環術:Freeze 9 tile Radius 冰暴風:Ice Storm
Sorron,menal blast like fire(火焰系)
火焰防禦術:Resist Fire 火焰箭:Flame Arrow 火球術:Fire Ball
爆炎術:Scorcher 火焰放射:Circle Flame 火牆術:Fire Wall
炎浪術:Flame Wave 焰星術:Meteor 啟示錄之炎:Apocalypse
火鳥召喚:Fire Bird
Your body will be finished by me(特技系)
魔力偵測:Detect Magic 解除詛咒:Remove Curse 防護長距離:Protection from Normal Missile
敏捷術:Haste 龍麟:Dragon Scale
Open the door to conect the space to space(傳送系)
隨機傳送術:Phasing 瞬間移動:Teleport
I'll punish you(JS吸血的魔法好像是)/我會懲罰你的!
oh father, please keep us away from the evil(加持的時候念的魔法)/噢,主啊!請您保護我們遠離惡魔~
please save our children/請您保護我們的孩子~
please give us power to overcome the evil/主啊!請您賜給我們力量去戰勝邪惡吧!
please save us/請您保佑我們~
please save people from the pain/請您解救受苦的人吧~
glories of god/無上的主啊!
oh my god/噢,我的主啊!
father in heaven/……
dear god/……
your body will be finished by me/你的身體將受我治癒~
open the door to conect the space to space/時空穿梭,瞬移
let me borrow your power/讓我給與你力量吧~
darkness let them feel the pain of the coldness/黑暗,讓我們來感知寒冷的痛楚
darkness blast likes a fire/像火焰一樣讓黑暗蔓延~
治療聖言 Authority to restore
排除危險 Save from danger
奪目聖言 You‘ll be free to fear(你會了解恐懼)
治療聖言 Oh~father, please save our people from the pain
回碩聖言(或是其他的祭司性法術) Please Save our children.
聖光類 Please save us from the evil
寒冰系 Darkness, let them feel the pain of coldness!
火焰系 Darkness, blast like fire!
回覆系 Wake up the souls of regeneration.
詛咒系 Come to me,darkness,which causes death.
魔力附著系 男法:You need the power of all the tranformation.
女法:Give me the power of all the transformation.
雷電系 the father of light(這有點怪怪的,應該是lightning),let me borrow your power.
召喚系 I‘ll call all things here,get ready to show yourself.
傳送系 Open up the door that connect space to space.
特技系 Your body will be finished by me.
治療術(強力治療術) Healing
治療疾病 Cure disease
保護術 Protection
防護罩 Physical shield
隱形術 Invisibility
消除魔力 Dispell magic (dispell:消除)
魔力增福 Increase magic
武器加持術 Enchant weapon
火球術 Fire ball
火焰放射 Circle flame
炎浪術 Flame wave
火烏召喚 Fire bird
冰彈 ice ball
寒冰箭 Ice arrow
旋冰咒 Circle ice
冰牆術 Ice wall
半徑五格冰環術 Freeze (Freeze:原意結凍)
半徑五格雷擊術 Five Times Lighting
照明術 Light
雷電召喚 Lightning Bolt
電擊術 Lightning
超新星電擊 Nova
連還電擊 Chain lightning
瞬間移動 Telekinesis (原意是心靈學的傳動)
龍麟 Dragon scale
混亂術 Confusion
吸血鬼之觸 Vampire touch (vampire是吸血鬼的意思)
真言術‧鎮 I'll say the word by darkness