Tesla Robotaxi 發佈會集中討論區(1)

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2024-10-12 21:22:19
2024-10-13 01:27:21
2024-10-13 01:43:51
2024-10-13 04:03:31
架新cab 係2027年前搞
但佢話喺未有之前佢會用M3 MY 做 taxi service

只係新cab 要起多好多基建配套
又叉電又清潔 ,佢聽日開始量產Robot cab 都冇用
2024-10-13 04:41:10
但諗極都唔明一個點係,點解架 robotaxi 係兩坐位coupe
係咪即係未來架taxi 都唔係準備俾一家大細坐

同埋架車既然都可以整得咁型,點解唔係改少少用黎當新model 黎賣,然後用model3 做blueprint 黎改做taxi
2024-10-13 05:26:01
因為好多時搭的士都係2個人or 1條友
我估到時係個call app 唔同價錢叫唔同車型
2024-10-13 05:55:08
你講ge 都合理,最正路將來都係咁
但個presentation 俾人感覺係好唔實在同埋好錯配

因為taxi 好多時係1-2 人坐,但當中可能有少數如10% case 係3-4 人
而呢方面本身佢已經有model 3 或者model y 可以俾佢改黎做prototype 展示到功能性

當然你話佢可能想賣stylish taxi
但個問題係,tesla 自己個portfolio 本身都未有雙坐位coupe
正常D 都一定可以賣4, 50000 USD 以上都會有人排住隊買,但而家開價係30000 USD

變左件事係,兩個可以好唔錯ge idea (出robotaxi 同埋出coupe extend product portfolio),炒埋一碟然後兩頭唔到岸咁
2024-10-16 09:15:29
Waymo better than Tesla?

The 'godfather' of driverless cars says Tesla has a major advantage in the self-driving race

NEWS: 8, who co-founded Google's Waymo, says @Tesla has a huge advantage in data in the self-driving race.

"I'd rather be in Tesla's shoes than in Waymo's shoes; Tesla already has cars on the road, some of which use semi-autonomous features for tasks such as parking and lane-switching — and learning all the while. Musk has the greatest fleet to do this," he said.

"There's millions of Teslas out there that are constantly alerting, feeding back their data to Tesla to make the product better, and that's ultimately what's really going to be the differentiator here - that you have the richest, most consistent data to continuously improve over time," Levandowski said.

"I would say the Tesla has examples of maybe 10,000 or maybe a million times more data than Waymo does in terms of all other scenarios of driving," he added.
2024-10-16 09:26:15
oh Tesla robotaxi will never be approved...?

NEWS: Uber CEO says that competing with Elon Musk is not easy, and that he would "love" to get Tesla's robotaxis on the Uber platform when it's ready to roll out.

"Obviously, competing with Elon Musk is no easy matter, and we take nothing for granted; we really want to partner with the autonomous industry," he told the FT in an interview that aired Tuesday.

He sees three potential paths for Uber once Tesla launches its robotaxis: competing with the EV giant, working with Musk's company to have its autonomous vehicles on its network, or combining the two.

Khosrowshahi said it's "up to what Tesla does" but that Uber already has lots of its EVs on its platform, which he said "drivers love."

He added: "We'd love to have it on the platform, but if not, I don't think this is going to be a winner-take-all marketplace. We believe in the spirit of partnership; we'll see what Tesla does."

Full interview: businessinsider.com/uber-ceo-elon-…
2024-10-16 13:02:09
Research話美國每日commute嘅人係大多一人揸車,佢miles per $個cost係好低,你四個人咪call兩架,點知佢charge幾多,可能平過人揸車四個人,美國uber有minimum wage
2024-10-16 13:03:25
佢如果話新25k model個樣就係咁會有osborne effect
2024-10-16 13:10:30
2024-10-16 13:14:29
uber call 6位都好貴, 有時都想拆開2部車
2024-10-16 19:33:35
2024-10-18 01:26:46
講得啱 同埋成本問題

大部份用戶一定係一至兩條友 咁多咗出嚟嗰啲位 就會變咗資源浪費 完全唔化算

不過而家都係Demo啫 實際上起碼去到2026至2027年先至普及 到時肯定有多啲車款
2024-10-18 11:23:26
2024-10-24 22:57:58

咁多位我仲未死 仲多咗30股
2024-10-24 23:01:44
2024-10-25 00:22:36
2024-10-25 00:30:32
召喚 報平安
2024-10-25 00:53:03
2024-10-25 13:40:29
2024-10-25 14:02:08
2024-10-25 14:46:51
2024-10-25 14:50:13
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