[LoL]英雄聯盟 S14比賽討論區(1687)

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2024-10-06 18:37:39
2024-10-06 18:37:46
2024-10-06 18:38:15
2024-10-06 18:42:07
上年再上年 有邊年唔係俾人睇淡
2024-10-06 18:45:57
2024-10-06 18:52:24
t1 :???
2024-10-06 18:53:42
2024-10-06 18:54:00
操肥:zeka聽講你近戰之神?冇牙凝你好似什麼都不是 唔好咁快比我睇穿你,再努力啲 我先係依個世代既世一中路法師 ad 射手的通通都人.你?就是一個石像樣可以
2024-10-06 18:54:06
It all starts with success…
2024-10-06 18:54:43
Make Them Believe.
2024-10-06 18:56:41
It starts 🆕 with success 📈.

And success 📈, is all 💯 about 💦 growing 🌱.

Success 📈 is all 💯 about 🤔 overcoming your 👉 demons 👿, success 📈 is about 💦 getting 🉐 knocked 👊 down ⬇, time 🕐 after 👀 time ⏰, and getting 🉐 back 🔙⬅ up ☝. No 🙅 one 😤 embodies 👤 that more than Martin 🙍💇 Larsson.

Rekkles. He 👥 is one 🔂☝ of the most experienced 🎲 and celebrated 🥳🥂 marksmen 🔫🍆💦 in Europe 🌍 and the World 🌎, but 🍑 regardless 😐 of that resumé, he 👨🏾 has never ❌ won an international 🌎 trophy 🏆, but 🍑 he 👨 has never ❌ lost 🏳 his 💦 drive 🚦💔.

And what's 🤔 more is that even 🌃🅰 a couple 👰 of years 📅🥤 ago 🔙, even 🌃 making 🖕 a Championship 🏆💯 Final 👆 seemed 🚹🚤 out of reach 👉.

Until 2018 🎆, everything 💯 was set 📐 up ☝ to perfection 💯 for Martin 🙍💇 and for Fnatic. They reconquered Europe 💪 after 👀 years 🗓 of G2 domination 😬😩💑, Caps 🔫 stepped 👣 up ☝ as a true 💯👮 carry 🔛, and they faced 👁 an IG 🅱 in the Finals 👆 they had beaten 🤜🏻✊ twice 💥😵 in the group 👥 stage 👄. But 🍑 as we all 💯 know 🤔, it was a tragedy 😭, it was a quick 🏃⏩❗ exit 🚪. It was a shameful 😳 display 💻🏪, and what was worse 😫, it felt 😁 like 👍 a lost 🏳 opportunity 📊 that may 🗓 never 🙅 come 💦 again 😬, for Rekkles, for Fnatic and for Europe 🌍.

The LPL rose 😜🏀 as the unbeateable beast 🐂 we know 🤔🌊☎ them to be. And the LPL would dominate 💪 the World 🌍 Championship 🏆 two ✌ times 🕐 in a row 🚣🏻. But 🍑♀ Rekkles, he 👨 did not stop 🛑 fighting 🥊, and in fact 📕 in 2019 😊😃🍃, he 👨 was finally 👆 able 💪 to put 🔛 one 😤 of his ✌🏻👋🏻 biggest 😍 demons 👹 to bed 👉🛏, with Uzi 🚫🔫 and RNG.

And now? Now we're here. 2020 🤡. Where the expectations 🤔👀 for Fnatic were at their lowest 💦 ahead 🙎🏻 of this best 🏆 of five 🔥 versus 🆚 Top 🔝👕👚 Esports, the first 👆 seed 💀🌱 from the LPL. The LPL that has beaten 🥊🤕 EU 🖊 down 🔻 in these best 👌 of fives 5️⃣, time 🕐 and time 🕐🕟 again ❌😬; and JackeyLove, standing 🕴 tall ⬆ and poised ✊💖 to win 🏆 his 💦 second 🕐🕑 World 🌍 Championship 🏆.

But 🍑 so far 🌌 we haven't gotten 💯👌👀 LPL domination 😬😩💑, we haven't gotten 💘 the JackeyLove highlight 🖊 reels 🐬, and we've 👫 gotten 💯👌👀 Rekkles and Hylissang lane ❌🚫👩🏽 kingdom 👑.

It all 💯 comes 💦 down ⬇ to this next 👉 game 🔫🎮. Demons 👿 can be slayed 😚😏😵, expectations 🤔👀 be damned 😭⁉, and Rekkles can cement 🕳 himself 🤖🙅 as the player 🎮 he 👨🏾 always 🔥 wanted 😍 to prove 📜 he 👨 was.

In this next ➡ game 🎱. It's all 💯 up ⬆ to him 👨🏾 and Fnatic to make 🖕 their dreams 💭 come 💦 true 💯.
2024-10-06 19:20:23

2024-10-06 19:20:42
前年唔算淡啦 只係未算最熱果兩三隊
2024-10-06 19:22:19
已發好人卡 ,下年bye
2024-10-06 19:23:18
Make T1 believe

老老豆豆除左o sir仲迷迷地外,其他人都有態咁
2024-10-06 19:28:41
2024-10-06 19:29:28
2024-10-06 19:30:38
2024-10-06 19:32:55
2024-10-06 19:35:36
呢幾句好有thank you Oner feel
2024-10-06 19:38:13
Lng vs dk
Hle vs g2

Gen vs wbg
T1 vs blg
2024-10-06 19:39:45
Tes 入唔到 屌虎入到 咩玩法
2024-10-06 19:40:43
佢年年summer playoff都係全隊最石嗰個
2024-10-06 19:41:12
2024-10-06 19:41:18
瑞士輪睇過哂喇 唔想再睇
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞