我揸車去美國玩 都會留意廣告牌 佢哋都有exit number 方便我中途停低去m記食個野或者去廁所
CNTower2024-10-17 11:49:20
我好多時揸通宵車,會停rest area 瞓覺,去廁所同買嘢食。有啲專門俾大貨車停既,仲可以沖涼。
一手造成2024-10-17 12:24:10
我真係個外賣仔2024-10-17 13:49:16
朋友係咁頂左上年冬天 佢話揸慢d
少倫少2024-10-17 20:46:12
CNTower2024-10-17 21:03:44
What is a winter tire insurance discount?
As of January 2016, all insurance providers in Ontario must provide a discount to customers who install winter tires on their vehicles between specific dates, usually December through March. Ontario drivers can get a winter tire insurance break of up to 5%, though the exact amount varies by the insurance company.
Here are the three steps drivers must take to qualify:
Purchase a set of four winter tires, carefully checking for the winter tire emblem — an illustration of a snowflake inside a mountain peak. All-season tires, identified by their signature “M + S” marking for mud and snow tires, do not qualify for a discount.
Inform your insurance company that you’ve purchased and plan to install winter tires. You may be required to provide proof, such as a receipt, invoice, or photograph.
Install your winter tires before your insurance provider’s specified dates.
Typically, the winter tire insurance discount applies for the duration of your auto insurance policy; however, you should also inquire about the discount upon renewal or when switching auto insurance providers.