Big 4 financial advisory

122 回覆
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2017-09-05 20:49:36
想知入advisory 大約咩background ? 係咪都係要三大gpa過3?定要3.3?
2017-09-05 21:06:40
想知入advisory 大約咩background ? 係咪都係要三大gpa過3?定要3.3?

唔洗既 普通過三就有得in
主要係d candidate英文talk得
Grp discussion就睇到同audit分別
2017-09-05 21:07:23
對p記個deals secondment (18個月係audit rotate後會調返去deals advisory 果個program ) 有啲興趣,有audit internship 經驗會唔會易啲人


嗰個唔係for non acct major嘅咩?

"you don’t need to worry about whether or not you are an accounting major as you will join our Assurance practice for your first 18 months"
佢個網咁寫 應該係話唔要求一定要係acct major

Both secondment 同trainee 都唔洗acct major
不過secondment 個18個月唔係咁易捱


當然啦 要你做18個月audit 喎
2017-09-05 21:09:37
對p記個deals secondment (18個月係audit rotate後會調返去deals advisory 果個program ) 有啲興趣,有audit internship 經驗會唔會易啲人


嗰個唔係for non acct major嘅咩?

"you don’t need to worry about whether or not you are an accounting major as you will join our Assurance practice for your first 18 months"
佢個網咁寫 應該係話唔要求一定要係acct major

Both secondment 同trainee 都唔洗acct major
不過secondment 個18個月唔係咁易捱

同埋巴打係咪做緊?想知多少少果個program 既野,方唔方便留個telegram或其他聯絡方法

2017-09-05 21:48:57

Project base
有project會忙d 但唔似audit要趕年尾報告
2017-09-05 22:07:13

Project base
有project會忙d 但唔似audit要趕年尾報告


唔定 睇邊條stream
Deals都仲細分transaction service, valuation,
corporate finance, business recovery, etc
普遍最遲十到十一點 唔計exceptional case
2017-09-05 22:26:46
搭單問 有無人會報big4 advisory winter intern?
2017-09-05 22:28:16

Project base
有project會忙d 但唔似audit要趕年尾報告


唔定 睇邊條stream
Deals都仲細分transaction service, valuation,
corporate finance, business recovery, etc
普遍最遲十到十一點 唔計exceptional case

循例問句 啲人會走去邊發展 比下例子
2017-09-05 22:56:30
2017-09-05 23:04:31
有SHL sources 想換 Cut-E sources

Tg: Bry9624
2017-09-05 23:27:04
屌IBD班人只會用Bloomberg Moody 呢d做水泡
仲有deal advisory 先入audit top performer 再轉啦
佢地B1當A1用對FDD report
Quality of revenue 做多幾年先啦
同big4 corp fin 好似得pwc better
Others I dun even know if they have any deals, as suggested by league table
2017-09-05 23:38:44

2017-09-05 23:55:27
屌IBD班人只會用Bloomberg Moody 呢d做水泡
仲有deal advisory 先入audit top performer 再轉啦
佢地B1當A1用對FDD report
Quality of revenue 做多幾年先啦
同big4 corp fin 好似得pwc better
Others I dun even know if they have any deals, as suggested by league table

連Pwc corp fin d deals 冇得同BB 比,其他更加..
P記D記既deals advisory 比大陸人攻陷曬 而班大陸人真係搵佢黎做水泡
如果BB ibd (local)班人當然唔洗揀big 4
2017-09-06 00:02:06
屌IBD班人只會用Bloomberg Moody 呢d做水泡
仲有deal advisory 先入audit top performer 再轉啦
佢地B1當A1用對FDD report
Quality of revenue 做多幾年先啦
同big4 corp fin 好似得pwc better
Others I dun even know if they have any deals, as suggested by league table

連Pwc corp fin d deals 冇得同BB 比,其他更加..
P記D記既deals advisory 比大陸人攻陷曬 而班大陸人真係搵佢黎做水泡
如果BB ibd (local)班人當然唔洗揀big 4

No boh according to my understanding if you are presentable enough you shd be fine coz FDD mainly work for PE with cross border deals... of coz I am not that familiar. However if you are talking about corporate finance fuck yeah Chinese world-,- almost all deals are with Chinese
2017-09-06 00:07:16
屌IBD班人只會用Bloomberg Moody 呢d做水泡
仲有deal advisory 先入audit top performer 再轉啦
佢地B1當A1用對FDD report
Quality of revenue 做多幾年先啦
同big4 corp fin 好似得pwc better
Others I dun even know if they have any deals, as suggested by league table

連Pwc corp fin d deals 冇得同BB 比,其他更加..
P記D記既deals advisory 比大陸人攻陷曬 而班大陸人真係搵佢黎做水泡
如果BB ibd (local)班人當然唔洗揀big 4

No boh according to my understanding if you are presentable enough you shd be fine coz FDD mainly work for PE with cross border deals... of coz I am not that familiar. However if you are talking about corporate finance fuck yeah Chinese world-,- almost all deals are with Chinese

8成啦 張list個last name全部拼音
2017-09-06 00:09:09

Project base
有project會忙d 但唔似audit要趕年尾報告


唔定 睇邊條stream
Deals都仲細分transaction service, valuation,
corporate finance, business recovery, etc
普遍最遲十到十一點 唔計exceptional case

循例問句 啲人會走去邊發展 比下例子

尼位兄台喺幾個post都咁問woh 有inside info不妨提供下
2017-09-06 00:09:47
屌IBD班人只會用Bloomberg Moody 呢d做水泡
仲有deal advisory 先入audit top performer 再轉啦
佢地B1當A1用對FDD report
Quality of revenue 做多幾年先啦
同big4 corp fin 好似得pwc better
Others I dun even know if they have any deals, as suggested by league table

連Pwc corp fin d deals 冇得同BB 比,其他更加..
P記D記既deals advisory 比大陸人攻陷曬 而班大陸人真係搵佢黎做水泡
如果BB ibd (local)班人當然唔洗揀big 4

No boh according to my understanding if you are presentable enough you shd be fine coz FDD mainly work for PE with cross border deals... of coz I am not that familiar. However if you are talking about corporate finance fuck yeah Chinese world-,- almost all deals are with Chinese

Yup deals advisory ge transaction services mainly do FDD for PE, where most of them come from China (you know now Chinese ppl are too rich).
Just give you some stat.. last year's deals graduate intake: around 30%locals, 70% nds.. not yet settled with subteams (e.g transaction services, corp fin etc), but you should know how competitive the market is lol.
2017-09-06 00:12:06

Project base
有project會忙d 但唔似audit要趕年尾報告


唔定 睇邊條stream
Deals都仲細分transaction service, valuation,
corporate finance, business recovery, etc
普遍最遲十到十一點 唔計exceptional case

循例問句 啲人會走去邊發展 比下例子

尼位兄台喺幾個post都咁問woh 有inside info不妨提供下

我都想知多啲呢個offer 既前景 冇乜inside info
2017-09-06 00:26:28
屌IBD班人只會用Bloomberg Moody 呢d做水泡
仲有deal advisory 先入audit top performer 再轉啦
佢地B1當A1用對FDD report
Quality of revenue 做多幾年先啦
同big4 corp fin 好似得pwc better
Others I dun even know if they have any deals, as suggested by league table

連Pwc corp fin d deals 冇得同BB 比,其他更加..
P記D記既deals advisory 比大陸人攻陷曬 而班大陸人真係搵佢黎做水泡
如果BB ibd (local)班人當然唔洗揀big 4

No boh according to my understanding if you are presentable enough you shd be fine coz FDD mainly work for PE with cross border deals... of coz I am not that familiar. However if you are talking about corporate finance fuck yeah Chinese world-,- almost all deals are with Chinese

Yup deals advisory ge transaction services mainly do FDD for PE, where most of them come from China (you know now Chinese ppl are too rich).
Just give you some stat.. last year's deals graduate intake: around 30%locals, 70% nds.. not yet settled with subteams (e.g transaction services, corp fin etc), but you should know how competitive the market is lol.

but now chinese enterprises were restricted from having M&A with western countries, will the proportion of local students rise these yrs?
2017-09-06 01:06:19
屌IBD班人只會用Bloomberg Moody 呢d做水泡
仲有deal advisory 先入audit top performer 再轉啦
佢地B1當A1用對FDD report
Quality of revenue 做多幾年先啦
同big4 corp fin 好似得pwc better
Others I dun even know if they have any deals, as suggested by league table

連Pwc corp fin d deals 冇得同BB 比,其他更加..
P記D記既deals advisory 比大陸人攻陷曬 而班大陸人真係搵佢黎做水泡
如果BB ibd (local)班人當然唔洗揀big 4

No boh according to my understanding if you are presentable enough you shd be fine coz FDD mainly work for PE with cross border deals... of coz I am not that familiar. However if you are talking about corporate finance fuck yeah Chinese world-,- almost all deals are with Chinese

Yup deals advisory ge transaction services mainly do FDD for PE, where most of them come from China (you know now Chinese ppl are too rich).
Just give you some stat.. last year's deals graduate intake: around 30%locals, 70% nds.. not yet settled with subteams (e.g transaction services, corp fin etc), but you should know how competitive the market is lol.

but now chinese enterprises were restricted from having M&A with western countries, will the proportion of local students rise these yrs?

Restrict d large scale姐 big 4做既deal景響不大
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞