唔知我search到嗰個Mendeleev 係咪你所講嗰個門捷列夫
US Department of Energy 有個conference 係講佢嘅
"Mendeleev also studied petroleum origin and concluded hydrocarbons are abiogenic and form deep within the earth via reaction of water with iron carbide "The main fact to note is that petroleum was born in the depths of the earth, and it is only there that we must seek its origin in" [Ref 19]. The abiogenetic model was later further supported by many, including V.Vernadsky, but
nowadays it is generally not well accepted by the scientific community which mostly stands by increasingly sophisticated biogenetic models of formation of hydrocarbon deposits in nature.
而家已經有更好嘅理論去解釋 (石油前身kerogen 係由啲好微細嘅organic matter 例如花粉 藻類等 deposit 喺海底/湖底形成 呢啲kerogen喺合適温度壓力下會"煮"到石油/天然氣出嚟 )
keywords: petroleum origin/ formation 之類 喺google scholar 度揾會好過就咁google 廢事你唔知睇埋啲農場文