2024-09-30 23:38:32
Sure! Here’s a Tenpai Dragon deck list for Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel:
### Main Deck (40 Cards)
#### Monsters (20)
- 3x **Tenpai Dragon**
- 3x **Shaddoll Beast**
- 3x **Shaddoll Hedgehog**
- 3x **Shaddoll Dragon**
- 3x **Chaos Dragon Levianeer**
- 3x **Effect Veiler**
- 2x **Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion**
#### Spells (12)
- 3x **Shaddoll Fusion**
- 3x **El Shaddoll Fusion**
- 2x **Dragon Shrine**
- 2x **Trade-In**
- 2x **Foolish Burial**
#### Traps (8)
- 3x **Shaddoll Schism**
- 3x **Infinite Impermanence**
- 2x **Solemn Judgment**
### Extra Deck (15 Cards)
#### Fusion Monsters (9)
- 2x **El Shaddoll Winda**
- 2x **El Shaddoll Construct**
- 2x **El Shaddoll Anoyatyllis**
- 1x **El Shaddoll Grysta**
- 2x **Tenpai Dragon (Fusion variant)**
#### Link Monsters (6)
- 2x **Linkuriboh**
- 2x **Secure Gardna**
- 2x **IP Masquerena**
### Strategy Overview
- **Fusion Strategy**: Utilize Shaddoll monsters for fusion summons and control.
- **Tenpai Dragon**: Leverage its effects to maintain board presence.
- **Hand Traps**: Incorporate hand traps to disrupt your opponent's plays.
Feel free to tweak the ratios or include other cards based on your playstyle!
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