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2024-09-05 10:15:05

At least 48 million homes in China have been sold before construction has been completed, suggesting the country’s property crisis won’t be resolved anytime soon, according to a report from Bloomberg Intelligence.


The figure, based on pre-sales data from 2015 through the first half of this year, is bigger than Germany’s total housing stock in 2021. It presents a direct threat to developers’ revenue because people could start avoiding pre-sales of new developments and instead buy completed or second-hand housing, analysts Kristy Hung and Monica Si wrote.


China’s property sector is facing multiple headwinds. Developers are suffering from liquidity shortage, despite the country’s rescue package that included a 300 billion yuan ($42 billion) relending program. New home residential sales slumped further in July by 19.7%.


Adding to the challenges, the country’s aging demographic means a shortage of construction workers. Migrant labour’s average age rose to 43 in 2023 from 38 in 2014, with those above 50 jumping to 31% from 17%.


Younger workers below 30 have declined to 17% from 34%, partly due to the pay that’s less than the country’s average wage. There’s a correlation between annual home completions and the number of construction workers, which hit its peak of 61 million in 2014 and has declined by 25% since, according to the Bloomberg Intelligence report.

30 歲以下年輕工人比例從34%下降到17%,因為工資低於全國平均工資。根據彭博報告,每年的房屋竣工數量與建築工人數量之間存在相關性,2014 年建築工人數量達到 6100 萬人的峰值,此後下降了 25%。

Home completion was short by 8.4 billion square meters (90 billion square feet) for sales made from 2000 through the first half of this year, about 38% of the cumulative total, the analysts said. The non-completion ratio soared from an average of 17% of annual sales before 2015 to 47% in 2015-23.

分析師表示,從2000年到今年上半年,房屋未竣工面積84億平方米,約佔累計總量的38%。未竣工率從2015年前年平均 17% 飆升至 2015-23 年的 47%。

China is seeing a fundamental shift in buyer preference, with existing-home sales overtaking new homes by area for the first time ever last year. Completed homes accounted for 27% of new sales in the first half, compared with 10% for all of 2021, according to the report.

2024-09-05 10:29:06
全國住房庫存創歷史最高水平 | 北京新房需49個月才能出清,一線城市平均27個月才能出清,是7年來最高水平。二手房市場更不樂觀。據彭博社估計,全國共有6000萬套未售出住房,需要四年多才能出清。相比之下,美國住房庫存僅有9個月。官方數據顯示,全國開發商已完工但未售出的房產總面積達3.91億平方米。如果算上幾乎完工並獲准預售的房產,存量達到驚人的18億立方米。其中大多數位於二三線及以下城市。

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14億人 有 4800萬套房


但平均月薪 2700蚊

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