(香港島賽車game)Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown 9月12日發售(2)

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2024-08-30 13:47:47
2024-08-30 13:52:54
之後仲有house,Motorcycles,Steering wheel animation更新
2024-08-30 14:44:04
希望遲啲加返巴士小巴,依家啲traffic 太千篇一律。btw 海底隧道駁去第二個國家幾funny
2024-08-30 15:28:46
2024-08-30 15:50:38
2024-08-30 16:32:49
2024-08-30 21:21:26
2024-08-31 21:11:05

Solar Pass S1 and S2:

Solar pass s1 and s2 are free
25 levels of progressions
Progress using races, daily challenges.
30 hours to unlock everything
1 car in each new solar pass
20+ cosmetics (rims clothes)
Audi E-Tron for 1st season
Solar pass from S3:

S3 onwards, Similar to NFS Unbound speed Pass
3 solar passes
Regular(free),Premium (paid) and VIP (VIP is premium + 20 levels unlocked)
Free and paid passes will be parallel rows of progressions
Can be purchased separately, but VIP included in Gold. Silver edition has the Premium Solar pass included. These are not confirmed to be for all future passes or just S3.
50 levels
1 car is paid. 1 car is available to all (for all players)
Car at the end of the solar pass is available for everyone
VIP gives you another car (that is at the middle of the solar pass) and extra cosmetics
Ibiza and Casino:

No wrecks on Ibiza.
Cars will be added to Ibiza's dealership (2 specific ones are saved, special editions mentioned)
HKI is for Street v Sharp and Ibiza for Clan Reputation
Season 2 (with Ibiza) unlocks 20 clan levels.
Casino will have progression.
Slot machines, Pokers
Multiple casino cars, cosmetics (including cosmetic parts for cars. BODYKITS)
Steering wheel animation:

900 degree steering is under development. No date yet
Updates and Feature improvements:

Small updates between 3 month update cycles are only if there are big issues, for emergency patches. No content in between.
Houses in concept stages.
Don't want to create houses for "houses". Don't want player houses to be too similar to TDU2, want more retention.
Photo and Livery editor are being looked at suggestions are being handled by research intern. For now, focused on getting the game complete for launch.
HUD is big part of the game, and was decided to be designed to be as light as possible. Tachometers are also in concept stage. (it has licensing hurdles)
Clan wars: it will be a clan war (details kept as surprise)
Cameras are loved by some. some want improvements. Looking for solutions
Missions (delivery, coop driving) are being looked at.
Race creator not being worked on. It destroys the game economy and progression. But there is something adjacent to it being worked on.
No need to worry about race variety (180 at launch). Weekly LIVE event races that are exclusive to each week.
Ibiza will have more music (extra radio slot). More songs and radios will be added later on.

2024-08-31 22:18:31
2024-09-02 13:41:53
2024-09-02 21:43:38
2024-09-03 01:15:31
淨係想體驗港島嘅路 係咪唔值得買
2024-09-03 08:13:57
2024-09-03 10:43:05
淨係試過pc個demo 講真好失望
但係有睇過build in progress 個demo 睇落正常番啲
但好似因為console果時demo仲係pc 個垃圾version
2024-09-03 12:37:13
2024-09-03 13:09:51
2024-09-03 18:00:09
2024-09-03 18:42:53
2024-09-03 19:13:44
2024-09-03 22:23:02
有冇一小段90% MATCH 真實路段
2024-09-03 22:24:09
2024-09-03 22:24:33
2024-09-04 10:05:31

2024-09-04 11:01:02
預購此版本,即可在遊戲正式發行前 7 天開始遊玩遊戲。大約在 1 天 4 小時後開始
2024-09-04 11:25:07
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞