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2024-08-27 11:43:43
Meta CEO馬克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)對衆議院的一個小組委員會表示,爲了避免被指控存在政治偏見,他已決定停止爲幫助地方政府管理選舉提供捐款。2020年大選時,扎克伯格的此類捐款引起了共和黨的警覺。

扎克伯格和他的妻子普莉希拉·陳(Priscilla Chan)曾向非營利組織捐贈了4億多美元,以幫助美國地方政府在2020年疫情期間進行選舉。扎克伯格還表示,他真希望公司當初在受到拜登政府施壓,被要求限制某些與疫情相關的內容時,能夠更明確地表達反對意見。


扎克伯格在寫給衆議院司法委員會主席吉姆·喬丹(Jim Jordan)的一封信中表示:“儘管我看到的分析顯示並非如此(捐款令一黨受益),但我知道有些人認爲這項工作對一方有利,而對另一方不利。我的目標是保持中立,不以這樣或那樣的方式扮演角色,甚至不表現出在扮演角色的樣子。所以我不打算在這個選舉週期做出類似的捐贈。”

2024-08-27 11:44:30
Mark Zuckerberg Tells Jim Jordan He Isn't Donating For Election Infrastructure In 2024: 'My Goal Is To Be Neutral And Not Play A Role One Way Or Another'


Meta Platforms CEO Mark Zuckerberg has announced his intention to remain politically neutral during the 2024 election cycle.

What Happened: In a letter addressed to Republican Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) on Monday, the Meta CEO stated his goal is to avoid any political involvement. “My goal is to be neutral and not play a role one way or another — or to even appear to be playing a role,” Zuckerberg wrote, according to a report from Business Insider.

Zuckerberg also confirmed he will not be donating to support election infrastructure in 2024, unlike in 2020 when he and his wife contributed $400 million. These donations, labeled “Zuckerbucks” by Republicans, were criticized for allegedly benefiting Democrats.

Despite controversy, a study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found such private donations did not favor Democrats. Zuckerberg addressed Meta’s content moderation, noting past pressures from the Biden administration to remove COVID-19-related content.

He acknowledged that Meta’s decisions were influenced by government pressure, which he regrets. The letter also mentioned Meta’s suppression of a New York Post story about Hunter Biden’s laptop in 2020, a decision Zuckerberg now believes was a mistake.

Why It Matters: The announcement comes amid heightened political tensions and scrutiny of tech giants’ roles in elections. Earlier this month, Donald Trump claimed that Zuckerberg had assured him of not supporting Democrats in the 2024 election, following an assassination attempt on Trump. Trump stated, “So Mark Zuckerberg called me. First of all, he called me a few times. He called me after the event and he said, “That was really amazing, it was very brave.”

In February 2023, Trump criticized Zuckerberg for a $2 million donation linked to the Georgia elections board, suggesting it violated state law. Trump shared, “No superintendent shall take or accept any funding, grants, or gifts from any source other than from the governing authority of the county or municipality, the State of Georgia, or the federal government.”

Moreover, the political landscape is further complicated by figures like Elon Musk, who recently voiced support for Trump despite historically leaning moderate Democrat. Musk’s political stance was discussed during an interview with Trump, which also covered various topics from AI to electric vehicles.

In contrast, Kamala Harris‘s campaign criticized Musk for using his platform to promote Trump’s agenda, highlighting the deep political divides and the influential role of tech leaders in shaping public discourse.
2024-08-27 11:45:03
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朱閪當年武肺玩禁聲,全部話人fake news,依家就話比民主黨逼
2024-08-27 11:49:52
老拜Musk捐得 豬西唔捐得?
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洗定八月十五啦你,trump 拉鳩你
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你老母非book d假新聞假消息舉報都唔柒理
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繼續搞censorship, shadowban
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