請問keychron k10 點打£ 符號?

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2024-08-25 03:38:40
windows mode , 個keyboard 有£符號, 但唔知點type £。謝

2024-08-25 04:15:11
change your keyboard language to US International PC
2024-08-25 06:22:20
windows apps 裝 powertoys
用 quick accents
所有special characters 都隨手可得
2024-08-25 06:52:21

Hold down the Option key and then press the 3 key.
The British Pound symbol (£) should appear where your cursor is located.
To use this symbol in uppercase letters, also hold the Shift key.
2024-08-25 07:10:11
依個我都以為係, 一早試左, 唔得。 已經試曬D 制, 唔得。 thx
2024-08-25 07:11:48
但唔應該咁, 因為keyboard有, 應該可以就咁 option /shift /⋯⋯ 加 "3"字就出到£。
2024-08-25 07:20:24
要轉uk keyboard
2024-08-25 07:20:28

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