can try GCP GAE frontend instances, I have a nodejs server deployed with the load that you mentioned, less then 1HKD per month
兼職陰陽師2024-08-14 16:26:39
raspberry pi
旋風管家一拳超人2024-08-14 16:33:28
旋風管家一拳超人2024-08-14 16:45:00
用F1 class?
見到係0.0579usd per hour per instance
喜湘妃2024-08-14 16:48:06
Aws free tier?
immaterial2024-08-14 16:52:36
28 free instance hour per day
I just checked 5 months billing, for months with no deployment it cost 0.5HKD on average (egress) and 2.5 otherwise (deployment related storage cost)