比條link 睇啦
屌你拎得25% of 你個pension,其餘都係要比而家一樣既personal tax bracket,如果唔想比,就局9你再買個fund,每年分舊餅你食。成件事就係話你知,你舊錢都係屬於政府既,你唔想比,得,就送比基金佬。
You can usually take up to 25% of the amount built up in any pension as a tax-free lump sum. The most you can take is £268,275.
If you hold a protected allowance, this may increase the amount of tax-free lump sum you can take from your pensions.
You’ll then have 6 months to start taking the remaining 75%, which you’ll usually pay tax on.
The options you have for taking the rest of your pension pot include:
taking all or some of it as cash
buying a product that gives you a guaranteed income (sometimes known as an ‘annuity’) for life
investing it to get a regular, adjustable income (sometimes known as ‘flexi-access drawdown’)
Ask your pension provider which options they offer (they may not offer all of them). If you do not want to take any of their options, you can transfer your pension pot to a different provider.