【維持君主立憲】澳洲工黨政府宣佈廢除走向共和大臣 短期內不再舉行任何公投

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2024-07-28 22:04:50

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese's cabinet reshuffle has quashed hopes of Australia becoming a republic anytime soon, with the PM admitting he doesn't want to fight another referendum battle.

As part of his cabinet reshuffle announced on Sunday, Mr Albanese axed the 'Minister for the Republic', the Republic assistant ministry, relocating former Assistant Minister for the Republic Matt Thistlethwaite to a different portfolio.

Crushing the spirit of republicans Australia-wide, Mr Albanese announced on Sunday that he will not be holding a referendum for Australia to become a republic.


= = = = = 單純些牙 = = = = =
黑命貴等團體疑內訌 斥賀錦麗出選程序不民主偽君子 反被指不代表基層
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