Lest we forget
早前,100歲香港保衛戰老兵Robert Lapsley在澳洲出席巡遊,右胸更掛有1995年皇家香港軍團(義勇軍)解散紀念章,引來大家注目。
現在有更多補充資料:1938年,時年17歲的Robert Lapsley加入香港義勇防衛軍HKVDC ,屬由蘇格蘭人組成的第2連。他在1941年香港保衛戰中受傷,然後被送到日本因島的戰俘營。
1938年,時年17歲的Robert Lapsley加入香港義勇防衛軍,屬由蘇格蘭人組成的第2連。
2021年4月,100歲香港保衛戰老兵Robert Lapsley在澳洲出席巡遊,右胸掛有1995年皇家香港軍團(義勇軍)解散紀念章。
In 1938, at just 17 years old, Robert Lapsley enlisted with the Hong Kong Volunteer Defence Corp, No. 2 Scottish Company. “I felt that there was something to do and help whenever it was needed,” he said.
During the battle, Mr Lapsley was shot and amid the confusion during a retreat was left for dead.
“I was shot and left on the hillside. I was shot in the arms, legs and the body. I wasn’t really fearful, there was nothing much you can do about it,” he said. “The person I was with was shot through the head, he was in front of me.
“I was on the hillside until I woke from my wounds and attempted to get free by going down the bottom of the hill, which was adjoined to the sea. I went into the sea water and swam a few strokes until I found it a bit chilly being December.”
Mr Lapsley spent months recovering from his wounds in a British Military Hospital in Hong Kong, and then, six months later, on January 19, 1943, he and 100 others were captured by the Japanese. “On my birthday in 1943, I was put on a Japanese liner with 100 other Hong Kong residents and we left Hong Kong,” he said. “The ship was under control of the Japanese and in three days we reached Nagasaki.”