帝國驕雄2 劇照釋出Paul Pascal、Pedro Mescal及Denzel Washington 主演

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2024-07-02 01:06:33

2024-07-02 01:12:14
自膠調轉左Pedro Pascal 同Paul Mescal 個姓
2024-07-02 01:44:25
仲有denzel washington
2024-07-02 01:48:13
2024-07-02 02:24:38
2024-07-02 02:31:53
以為又玩左膠白變黑 Google 下原來真係有非洲出世既羅馬皇帝
2024-07-02 02:48:11
assassin‘s creed最新一集都用黑人日本武士做主角
2024-07-02 02:49:40
2024-07-02 02:50:53
2024-07-02 19:22:50
2024-07-02 19:23:11

2024-07-02 19:26:24
2024-07-02 19:26:39
2024-07-02 19:27:46
2024-07-02 19:37:18
Now, with Gladiator II heading to theaters on November 22, they’re ready to tell the rest of the world where the story picks up in the years after Russell Crowe’s Maximus gave his life, upending the leadership of the decadent and corrupt society. The central character portrayed by Mescal is Lucius, last seen as the young son of Lucilla, Connie Nielsen’s noblewoman from the original movie. Nielsen also returns in the sequel, playing one of the few true-life figures in the otherwise fictional Gladiator storyline, the daughter of the late emperor Marcus Aurelius. In the actual history, Lucilla was a firebrand revolutionary who despaired of the direction Rome took after her father’s demise.

As Gladiator II picks up her story, decades have passed and Lucius has come of age far away from his mother. While he was still a child, Lucilla sent him to the northern coast of Africa, to a region called Numidia that was (at that point) just outside the reach of the Roman Empire. He never fully understood why, and as he grew stronger, so did his resentment—even if his mother’s reasons had been pure. “There’s a lot of Sophie’s Choice going on here, where these are impossible situations that we are being forced to reckon with,” says Nielsen. “There is an authoritarian power that is parading as if it were still somehow the vestiges of a Republican government. Inside of this travesty are human beings who are caught in this gamesmanship and power. That is what I find always so interesting in Ridley’s stories. He’s really showing the effect of power on people and what happens in a place where power is unrestrained.”
2024-07-02 19:37:52
2024-07-02 20:01:44
以前第一集出果陣 無乜 古代戰爭片就話經典
家陣周圍都太多 古代戰爭片, 已經無咁好睇

講開又講, 戰狼300 有冇第三集??
2024-07-02 20:03:09
2024-07-02 20:07:17
severan dynasty第一個皇帝severan就係非洲出世
2024-07-02 20:27:43
2024-07-02 20:41:05
2024-07-02 21:14:41
見到有Denzel Hayes已經知屈機片黎
2024-07-02 22:28:24
2024-07-02 22:30:58
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞