Known Issues
The Small Post Office doesn’t receive incoming mail to distribute in the city.
Office companies recover from the 5/5 worker count slowly, provided they’re able to make a profit in the city.
Office companies may not leave the city as they should when their building is removed. If you’re still seeing offices stuck at 5/5 workers or continuously losing workers, they are likely stuck in the city. You can force them out using this workaround:
Increase office tax to 30%
Let the simulation run until all office buildings are empty, which may take about a month in-game time. You can see empty office buildings (shown as grey) in the Profitability Info View, or check when you no longer receive any tax income from offices.
Once all office companies have left your city, set the tax back to your preferred level.
New office companies will start to populate your city.
Please note: You will likely not see any office demand for a while as you have many empty office buildings. This is completely normal. Office demand will return with time as the existing buildings fill up.
As an alternative that preserves the office demand, you can do the following:
Remove all office zoning in your city.
Let the simulation run until you have 0 tax income from offices.
Zone offices again where you want them.