日本研發牙齒再生藥 正式作人體試驗 有望2030年面世

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2024-06-01 07:44:19
2024-06-01 07:45:11


日本京都大學與福井大學正在研發一款能讓人長出一副新牙齒的藥物,領導研究的京都大學醫學院副教授Katsu Takahashi指出,約有1%的成年人由於先天遺傳問題,導致牙齒多於或少於正常的32顆,而根據多年研究發現,影響牙齒生長最重要的分子,是人體中一項子宮致敏相關基因UAG-1。同時,人體生長還需要幾種不同蛋白質分子之間的相互作用,包括骨塑形蛋白(BMP)和蛋白質信號作用網路(Wnt-1)等。只要控制以上3種元素之間的交互作用,就可以影響牙齒生長的數量。


可取代植牙 有望2030年面世

目前,該項研究臨床試驗已定於2024年7月進行。Katsu Takahashi興奮表示,相關成果若能成功研發,有望長遠運用於人體治療,包括有助治療先天缺失恆齒的患者,及取代現有的植牙技術等其他人工方式。


2024-06-01 07:46:54
Japanese researchers are close to a significant breakthrough in dental medicine with a new drug that can regenerate human teeth.

Developed by Toregem Biopharma, this cutting-edge treatment targets the USAG-1 gene, which inhibits tooth growth, allowing new teeth to develop from existing buds. The drug has shown promising results in animal trials and is set to begin human clinical trials in 2024, starting with adults who have congenital tooth loss.

If successful, this drug could revolutionize dental care by offering a natural alternative to dentures and implants, potentially becoming available by 2030.
2024-06-01 07:47:45
World's first tooth-regenerating drug to enter testing in Japan

Startup aims to roll out antibody treatment in 2030 as alternative to implants


KYOTO -- A Japanese startup will launch clinical trials in September of what is believed to be the first-ever treatment that can regrow teeth.

Toregem Biopharma aims to bring the antibody drug to market in 2030 for patients missing some or all of their teeth from birth -- a condition known as congenital anodontia. The Kyoto University-affiliated startup hopes to eventually offer it to those who lose teeth later in life as well. It announced the clinical trials Thursday.

The antibody targets a specific protein that inhibits tooth growth. Tested in such animals as mice, it stimulated the development of tooth buds in the jaw, causing new teeth to form.

People with congenital anodontia, which affects an estimated 0.1% of the population, typically get implants or dentures in adulthood. No treatment currently addresses the condition's root cause.

"We want to make this a third option," said Toregem co-founder Katsu Takahashi, whose research the drug is based on.

The company is set to start Phase 1 physician-led clinical trials to ensure that the drug is safe. Testing will start with 30 healthy male adults who are unlikely to grow more teeth even if the drug works.

If all goes well, plans are to move on in 2025 to Phase 2 trials gauging effectiveness, with the treatment administered to patients aged 2 to 7 with congenital anodontia.

Toregem hopes to offer the antibody drug for 1.5 million yen ($9,800) and have it covered by health insurance.
2024-06-01 07:53:28

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