
15 回覆
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2024-05-18 02:24:57
2024-05-18 02:42:15
2024-05-18 02:54:54
2024-05-18 03:06:05
It's okay to feel like that, but do you want to stay the same?
2024-05-18 03:14:50
You are right, but it's not her fault though?

When we perform brain scans on patients who have experienced severe trauma and such, we found that they tend to amplify negative signals over positive ones. Apart from that, their brain development is different from regular people. For example, the amygdala is usually overreactive which overtakes the frontal lobe in decision-making.

Until they make the necessary changes for neuroplasticity and subconscious
2024-05-18 03:19:29
I actually didn’t realize this was a problem until I had a few mental breakdowns recently. No, of course I don't. I hope I can become a better version of myself, a person who can love herself.

Thank you bro. It’s so nice of you to say something nice anonymously online. I really appreciate that.
2024-05-18 03:23:04
I made a mistake in my writing, so you should read this one instead.

You are right, but it's not her fault though?

When we perform brain scans on patients who have experienced severe trauma and such, we found that they tend to amplify negative signals over positive ones. Their brain development is different from regular people. For example, the amygdala is overreactive which overtakes the frontal lobe in decision-making. This can lead to self-sabotage especially when they are predisposed to making irrational decisions due to this inherent difference in brain development.

Until they make the necessary changes for neuroplasticity and subconscious reprogramming to occur. They are probably just going to repeat the same pattern.
2024-05-18 03:28:11
2024-05-18 03:35:33
2024-05-18 03:36:16
It's always nice to talk to a stranger honestly, even if it's just on the internet. I can appreciate you sharing your experience with others.

Would it be helpful to challenge your own way of thinking?

It seems like you really struggle with the idea that nothing is permeant. We all know it's a universal truth, but what can you do about it? When you focus on that, it only robs you out of many great experiences and opportunities in life. If you change your mindset and think about what you can do with it, you can take things and embrace them as they are now. Once you learn to live fully in the present, you won't be overly worried about it. Don't make your present suffer due to the past and future.

Btw all our thoughts, behaviors, and emotions are shaped by our internal beliefs. You should learn to question these painful stories you keep telling yourself, because they are not actually true. Some of them are things like "I'm not good enough", "I'm unlovable", etc. Anyway, I believe there are people who will see the good in you. Maybe you just haven't realized it lol
2024-05-18 03:38:14
2024-05-18 03:51:24
Thank you so much for the advice. You're right, dwelling on the idea that nothing is permanent can be overwhelming. I’ll try to question my internal beliefs and painful stories, as they can be holding me back from realizing my true potential. Thank you for offering words of encouragement and helping me see that there may be people who appreciate me for who I am.
2024-05-18 05:05:19
2024-05-18 07:11:13




係懶得打中文?文盲唔識中文?唔識打字?定想show off?
2024-05-18 11:13:42
Too lazy
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