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2024-05-10 16:17:45
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2024-05-10 16:19:52
Cole Palmer
2024-05-10 16:57:29
我諗你話小圈子幾十個人嗰個係講緊阿朗喺杜拜攞嗰個Globe Soccer Awards:
After the public voting phase concludes, Globe Soccer’s Official Jury, comprising more than 30 key football industry figures, will cast their votes. The jury’s voting process takes into account the nominees’ performance over the course of 2023. The official jury’s vote carries significant weight, accounting for 75% of the final results, while the public vote contributes 25%.

Beginning with the 2022 edition, France Football decided to restrict the field of nations that had a media member with a ballot. The organizers reduced that list to the top 100 countries from the FIFA men's world ranking (for the men's award), and the top 50 countries from the women's world ranking (for the women's award).

FIFA best player係咁樣投出嚟:
Selected by an international jury comprising the current coaches of all women’s/men’s national teams (one per team), the current captains of all women’s/men’s national teams (one per team), one specialist journalist from each territory represented by a national team and fans from all over the world registered on FIFA.com.
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