4月25號,ANZAC Day 澳紐軍團紀念日

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2024-04-24 22:07:46
//From the entry for David Loie in the BAAG Personnel Register, Ride Collection.

Nationality British (New Zealand-born Chinese), born New Zealand date unknown, Analytical chemist, BAAG September 42 - October 43.

“Loie was employed in the Government Laboratories in Hongkong and during hostilities was a member of the Hongkong Police Reserve. After the surrender he was compelled to continue his work in the Government Laboratories, but at the same time, he organised a group of workers from amongst the Police reserve and immediately offered their services to the BAAG. Having access to all the work in his department, he was able to pass on most accurate and valuable information concerning the economic position of the Japanese in Hongkong. In 1943, his group was betrayed and he was arrested, tortured unmercifully and executed. While alive, his work was of the utmost value and the whole scheme was organised and planned by him, and his conduct in prison proved him to be a man of most outstanding courage and loyalty.” (signed) L T Ride, Colonel. 1945.

Wife: Lau Tak Oi, executed 29th September 1943.//







結果,華洋軍民被捕者超過二百人,其中約四十人遭處決,包括紐臨、霍德,以及加利,英軍服務團情報人員包括George Kotewall、劉德愛(雷福榮伴侶)、劉德光(劉德愛兄弟)、李林(戰俘營司機)、曾德、曾耀生兄弟(情報員,其父曾協助與啟德機場的戰俘聯絡)、楊守德(自日本海軍工作部竊取圖則)等。


雷福榮獲追頒英皇警察勳章King's Police Medal
King's Police Medal for Gallantry (KPM)
Timothy Murphy (1923)
Kenneth Andrew (1928)
Roland Henry John Brooks (1947)
David Loie Fook-wing (1947)
Duncan George MacPherson (1947)
Harold Tiplady (1949)
Wong Wai Tsoi (1949)
Li Fu (1949)
Chiu Ho-ching (1949)
2024-04-24 22:08:44


(English text below)【戰爭與人】每年4月25日是澳紐軍團日,何天正先生為此撰寫了一個澳洲華人士兵在香港的戰爭經歷。






[Faces of War] Bruce Harry Arnold Hoy Poy was born on 5th November, 1916 in Perth, Australia. His father was a Chinese from Zhongshan and his mother was a British immigrant. He was the second eldest son of six children. The Hoy Poy family was an established Australian Chinese family in Perth, with the father Yuen Hoy Poy being an esteemed furniture maker, a founder of the Chung Wah Association, and a member of the Chinese Nationalist Party’s Western Australian General Support Branch until 1933. With war approaching, the parents encouraged Bruce and his siblings to join the fight against fascism. In 1940, Bruce was living in Hong Kong with his sisters, and was a maintenance worker at the Taikoo Dockyard, before enlisting in the Hong Kong Volunteer Defence Corps (HKVDC) on 2nd August.

During the Battle of Hong Kong, he was a Gunner of the HKVDC 5th (AA) Battery at the Sai Wan Hill Battery. He fortunately escaped the Sai Wan Hill massacre but was later captured. Between 25th December to 1st January, 1942, Bruce, along with other Chinese and Eurasian POWs, were forced to dispose the bodies of dead Allied soldiers at Stanley, and was later interned at the Sham Shui Po POW Camp. Bruce was released with other Chinese POWs in mid-September 1942, and signed his name on Dr. Chak Po Tin’s handkerchief.

Due to his aptitude in mechanics, Bruce was soon forced to work for the Japanese, repairing coastal lighthouses. He eventually escaped to Free China and arrived at Guilin. Soon after, he went to the Chengkung Airfield at Yunnan, working as a maintenance engineer for the United States Fourteenth Air Force (14 AF). Bruce also provided the British Army Aid Group (BAAG) knowledge on Japanese works in Hong Kong, particularly the coastal lighthouses he worked at. By 1945, he was in India working as an assistant engineer and machinist for the USAAF.

After the war, Bruce returned to Perth, worked as an X-ray technician, and volunteered in the Chung Wah Association. He opened a farm after retirement, planting fruits and vegetables and keeping livestock. Bruce would often visit Zhongshan to pay respects to his ancestors and visit family and friends. In 2007, the Western Australian Government named a street in Perth “Hoy Poy Street”, in recognition of the Hoy Poy family’s war efforts. Bruce passed away on 25th October, 2015. He was one of the few Australian Chinese who participated in the Battle of Hong Kong.

We thank Yuen Yu Chin, Frances Blampey (Hoy Poy), the Chung Wah Association, and the Federation of Hong Kong Zhong Shan Community Organisations Limited for contributing to this post’s research.

#香港歷史 #香港淪陷 #三年零八個月 #英軍服務團 #日佔時期 #日據時期 #香港戰役 #澳紐軍團日 #BAAG #Hongkonghistory #1941battleofhongkong #battleofhongkong #ANZACday #ANZAC #14USAAF #CBI
2024-04-24 22:14:50
2024-04-24 22:17:27

香港義勇防衛軍澳紐連隊(Anzac Company, HKVDC)


1932 年 4 月25日澳紐軍團日,一眾澳紐人士到香港酒店晚宴。席間,早上在中環和平紀念碑儀式獻花圈的羅拔臣(Cameron Desailly Robertson)呼籲在香港義勇防衛軍下組建澳紐連隊。

這位慷慨陳詞的羅拔臣,是一戰退伍軍人。根據紀錄,他在1914年8月17日以19歲之齡入伍澳軍(Australian Imperial Force),入伍前從事賣書。1915年4月,羅拔臣參與過加里波利之戰的登陸,戰爭結束時隸屬澳軍第4師第 4 先鋒營(Pioneer Battalion ),軍階為中士(Corporal)。先鋒營是澳軍投入西線戰場新編的部隊,兼具了工兵及步兵角色。羅拔臣後來因為1916年12月在法國戰場的英勇表現獲頒軍功獎章(Military Medal)。1919年羅拔臣退役,在 20 年代來到香港,從事過酒店業及啤酒釀酒業。

1932年4月,澳紐連隊隨即成立,羅拔臣更在5月9日由二等兵(Private)晉升為中尉,出任連長。澳紐連隊獲准配戴寬邊軟帽(Slouch Hat),以維克斯機關槍作為武器,屬於機關槍連。以當時防衛軍司令官的說話,因為那是「1915年加里波利之戰所用的武器。」

圖中最左為羅拔臣(Cameron Desailly Robertson)。(圖:1954年皇家香港防衛軍年刊)

圖:香港義勇防衛軍澳紐連隊(Anzac Company, HKVDC)(相片來源:Gwulo.com

成立首年,澳紐連隊就贏得機關槍盃,更派出軍官擔任防衛軍軍旗手及護旗士官。很可惜,由於參加者不足,澳紐連隊於1935年解散,但澳紐裔防衛軍繼續在不同單位服役。以1941年12月開戰計算,澳紐連隊前隊員的足跡遍及軍團總部、第3步兵連(包括連軍需士官E. C. Fincher)、第1炮兵連等。事隔幾年,第3連已經主要由歐亞混血兒組成。

香港義勇防衛軍中另外還有不少在港澳紐人士,例如戰後成為防衛軍司令官的戰地救護隊指揮官賴廉士中校(Lt Col Lindsay Tasman Ride),就是生於澳洲維多利亞州。香港保衛戰的正規軍中,我們在《香港保衛戰紀》專題介紹過的皇家後勤兵團(Royal Army Service Corps)杜華上尉(Captain Arthur John Dewar),則是來自西澳州珀斯的斯旺本(Swanbourne)。


至於首任澳紐連隊連長羅拔臣中尉,他在1937年晉升上尉。1938年,他出任支薪組指揮官(OC, Pay Detachment),戰前在此崗位再晉升少校。支薪組雖然較鮮為人知,但其成員曾經肩負起守護軍旗的最後任務。

1941年12月18日日軍登陸港島後,香港義勇防衛軍總部需要搬到山頂,羅拔臣的部下薛力尼中尉(Lt Ralph James Shrigley)就奉命將兩面防衛軍軍旗埋藏在防衛軍總部旁聖約翰操場的泥土裏,以防被日軍擄獲。1944年,薛力尼中尉被日軍盤問期間,從二樓窗口墜地喪生,到底是被拋下樓還是拼命逃出,今日已無從稽考。



時至今日,不少前皇家香港軍團(義勇軍)成員定居澳洲,包括101歲香港保衛戰老兵Robert Lapsley。在澳紐軍團日巡遊,他們時有亮相。而這篇介紹中的不少資料,正正來自防衛軍年刊及香港義勇軍新南威爾士分會。



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2024-04-25 00:45:01
2024-04-25 00:45:15
Lest we forget
2024-04-26 03:47:49
2024-04-28 20:54:06



[Faces of War] Every year on April 25 is ANZAC Day, commemorating the Australian and New Zealand service personnel who sacrificed their lives in war. During the Battle of Hong Kong, there were also some individual ANZAC who participated, including Major Arthur Dewar of the Royal Army Service Corps. He took part in many important operations during the battle, especially the retreat of the Mainland Brigade from Kowloon and the fighting near the Little Hong Kong ordnance depot near Shouson Hill during the final phase of the Battle. After the cessation of hostilities, some sources indicated that he refused to surrender and threatened to blow up the arsenal. However, in his own battle report, he only mentioned that he surrendered around 2000 on 25 December 1941 after being informed by the Canadian troops nearby, among the last organized surrenders of the garrison. Dewar survived captivity and continued to serve in the British Army. After retiring in 1955, he returned to Australia and passed away in 1967. He was awarded a DSO for his part during the Battle of Hong Kong. Today, the Little Hong Kong ordnance depot has become a wine cellar.

#ANZAC #anzacday2024 #wwii #hongkong #hongkonghistory #bohk1941 #battleofhongkong #digitalexperience #digitalhumanities #builtheritage #pillbox #香港戰役 #香港保衛戰 #太平洋戰爭 #第二次世界大戰 #抗日戰爭 #建築歷史 #軍事遺跡
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞