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2024-04-11 16:11:25
:查理五世 :黑社會


查理五世:我係查理,蒙上帝鴻福,神聖羅馬帝國皇帝、永遠的奧古斯都、羅馬人民的國王、義大利國王、全西班牙人(卡斯提爾、亞拉岡、萊昂、納瓦拉、格拉納達、托雷多、瓦倫西亞、加利西亞、馬略卡、塞維亞、哥多華、莫夕亞、哈恩、阿爾加維、阿爾赫西拉斯、直布羅陀、加那利群島)國王、西西里國王、拿坡里國王、薩丁尼亞與科西嘉國王、耶路撒冷國王、東印度與西印度群島國王、奧地利大公、勃艮第公爵、布拉邦公爵、洛林公爵、施蒂里亞公爵、克恩頓公爵、卡尼奧拉公爵、林堡公爵、盧森堡公爵、海爾德蘭公爵、符騰堡公爵、亞爾薩斯領地伯爵、施瓦本親王、阿斯圖里亞斯親王、加泰隆尼亞親王、那慕爾藩侯、神聖羅馬帝國侯爵、布爾高侯爵、奧里斯塔諾侯爵、法蘭德斯伯爵、哈布斯堡伯爵、蒂羅爾伯爵、戈里齊亞伯爵、巴塞隆納伯爵、夏洛萊伯爵、阿圖瓦伯爵、勃艮第-普法茲伯爵、埃諾伯爵、荷蘭伯爵、澤蘭伯爵、費雷特伯爵、基堡伯爵、聚特芬伯爵、魯西永伯爵、波代諾內領主、比斯開領主、的黎波里領主、梅赫倫領主。(Charles, by the grace of God, Holy Roman Emperor, forever August, King of Germany, King of Italy, King of all Spains, of Castile, Aragon, León, of Hungary, of Dalmatia, of Croatia, Navarra, Grenada, Toledo, Valencia, Galicia, Majorca, Sevilla, Cordova, Murcia, Jaén, Algarves, Algeciras, Gibraltar, the Canary Islands, King of Two Sicilies, of Sardinia, Corsica, King of Jerusalem, King of the Western and Eastern Indies, of the Islands and Mainland of the Ocean Sea, Archduke of Austria, Duke of Burgundy, Brabant, Lorraine, Styria, Carinthia, Carniola, Limburg, Luxembourg, Gelderland, Neopatria, Württemberg, Landgrave of Alsace, Prince of Swabia, Asturia and Catalonia, Count of Flanders, Habsburg, Tyrol, Gorizia, Barcelona, Artois, Burgundy Palatine, Hainaut, Holland, Seeland, Ferrette, Kyburg, Namur, Roussillon, Cerdagne, Drenthe, Zutphen, Margrave of the Holy Roman Empire, Burgau, Oristano and Gociano, Lord of Frisia, the Wendish March, Pordenone, Biscay, Molin, Salins, Tripoli and Mechelen.)
2024-04-11 16:17:08
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2024-04-11 16:54:57
Sultan (given name) Han, Sovereign of The Sublime House of Osman, Sultan us-Selatin (Sultan of Sultans), Hakan (Khan of Khans), Commander of the faithful and Successor of the Prophet of the Lord of the Universe, Custodian of the Holy Cities of Mecca, Medina and Kouds (Jerusalem), Padishah (Emperor) of The Three Cities of Istanbul (Constantinople), Edirne (Adrianople) and Bursa, and of the Cities of Châm (Damascus) and Cairo (Egypt), of all Azerbaijan, of the Maghreb, of Barkah, of Kairouan, of Alep, of the Arab and Persian Iraq, of Basra, of El Hasa strip, of Raqqa, of Mosul, of Parthia, of Diyâr-ı Bekr, of Cilicia, of the provinces of Erzurum, of Sivas, of Adana, of Karaman, of Van, of Barbaria, of Habech (Abyssinia), of Tunisia, of Tripoli, of Châm (Syria), of Cyprus, of Rhodes, of Crete, of the province of Morea (Peloponnese), of Bahr-i Sefid (Mediterranean Sea), of Bahr-i Siyah (Black Sea), of Anatolia, of Rumelia (the European part of the Empire), of Bagdad, of Kurdistan, of Greece, of Turkestan, of Tartary, of Circassia, of the two regions of Kabarda, of Gorjestan (Georgia), of the steppe of Kipchaks, of the whole country of the Tatars, of Kefa (Theodosia) and of all the neighbouring regions, of Bosnia, of the City and Fort of Belgrade, of the province of Sirbistan (Serbia), with all the castles and cities, of all Arnaut, of all Eflak (Wallachia) and Bogdania (Moldavia), as well as all the dependencies and borders, and many others countries and cities.
2024-04-11 17:05:58
Matt哥份cv 勁過佢啦
2024-04-17 10:21:52
如來佛祖玉皇大帝觀音菩薩指定取西經特派使者花果山水簾洞美猴王齊天大聖 都唔夠佢長
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞