
41 回覆
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2017-08-20 19:27:20
2017-08-20 19:29:24
叫佢 follow HK Free Press facebook
2017-08-20 19:35:50
叫佢 follow HK Free Press facebook

2017-08-20 19:40:57
叫佢 follow HK Free Press facebook

2017-08-20 19:42:49
Gphone is better than iphone
2017-08-20 20:02:12

Hong Kong likes the past Estonia. In Cold War, the Soviet Union forced the people of Estonia to do unwilling things and control almost all governments as well as economy. The bullying from Soviet Union made them in the worse situation.
Now, China act like Soviet Union, they force Hong Kong people to obey the devil law and use secret polices to oppress the political opponents and citizens.
Although Hong Kong is weaker than the past Estonia and the fucking China, many teenagers still fight for their freedom and against the evil empire--China.
2017-08-20 20:06:56
i am gay, fuck my ass ok?

2017-08-20 20:24:46

Hong Kong likes the past Estonia. In Cold War, the Soviet Union forced the people of Estonia to do unwilling things and control almost all governments as well as economy. The bullying from Soviet Union made them in the worse situation.
Now, China act like Soviet Union, they force Hong Kong people to obey the devil law and use secret polices to oppress the political opponents and citizens.
Although Hong Kong is weaker than the past Estonia and the fucking China, many teenagers still fight for their freedom and against the evil empire--China.

好多錯, 第一句 已經將喜歡同相似搞亂咗, 應該用 is like. Grammar 錯唔緊要, 但係畀人會錯意 就有問題
2017-08-20 20:25:33
Hk is falling
2017-08-20 20:50:51

Hong Kong likes the past Estonia. In Cold War, the Soviet Union forced the people of Estonia to do unwilling things and control almost all governments as well as economy. The bullying from Soviet Union made them in the worse situation.
Now, China act like Soviet Union, they force Hong Kong people to obey the devil law and use secret polices to oppress the political opponents and citizens.
Although Hong Kong is weaker than the past Estonia and the fucking China, many teenagers still fight for their freedom and against the evil empire--China.

好多錯, 第一句 已經將喜歡同相似搞亂咗, 應該用 is like. Grammar 錯唔緊要, 但係畀人會錯意 就有問題

2017-08-20 20:51:53
2017-08-20 20:56:26

2017-08-20 21:00:26
China shitting on top of hk
Hk almost gg
You help hk and hk be your fd
You un 5 un?
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