Jim sir防問都有講過,曼聯個問題係喺個環境到,所以換咗咁多教練好多問題都會重復loop,甚至講明唔可以怪哂教練
“And you can't blame all the coaches. The only conclusion you can draw is that the environment in which they were working, didn't work. And Erik's been in that environment.”
宜家曼聯聲稱由個底開始重建,由成個架構着手,上至director, 下至班左膠員工,都會由頭汁過。
衣個moment, 連Ashworh 都未上馬,head of recruitment 未見, 代表乜?就係一個大project 可能連方向都未定到。衣幾肯定成個重建都會需要時間
Sir Jim: "We have to be careful we don't rush at it in a way, you don't want to run to the wrong solution rather than walk to the correct solution."
所以我個人認為未係時候炒坦,似乎Sir Jim都係咁諗。
Jim Sir: We’ll decide, that team of people, it’ll be us, plus the CEO, sporting director, probably the recruitment guys what the style of football is and that will be the Manchester United style of football. And the coach will have to play that style.
"We’re not going to oscillate from Mourinho style to Guardiola style. That’s not the way we’ll run the club. Otherwise you’re changing everything all the time, you change your coach, you’ve got the wrong squad, the wrong trainer, we won’t do that. In modern football you need to decide what’s your path and you stuck to your path