海賊王 one piece 1108話情報加討論

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2024-02-28 03:10:41
2024-02-28 03:32:07
One Piece 1109 spoilers

Confirmed by redon : https://www.pirate-king.es/foro/viewtopic.php?t=37258

- New mini-story in Wanokuni, where we see Onigashima sinking into the sea like the Titanic.
- The episode starts with Vegapunk's pre-recorded message to the world. Vegapunk tells people that they have a few minutes to prepare their video Den Den Mushi to watch the message.
- We see people from all over the world getting ready to watch the message, including Morgans, Vivi or Wapol.
- The Gorosei wonders where the message is being broadcast from.
- In Egghead, Kizaru attacks Luffy in multiple ways but Luffy dodges them.
- Luffy wonders why Saturn takes no damage from his attacks. He then flattens Saturn and Kizaru like pancakes and throws them away.
- Saturn still takes no damage and returns to fight Luffy.
- In the end, it looks like Saturn summons the rest of the Gorousei.
- Next week there is a break.

Don't hesite to ping me if the information isn't correct, or we have updates. And as always, it's only when we have the full summary that the information is then certain, until then, not everything might be corrrect.

2024-02-28 04:07:23
One Piece海賊王第1109話情報+討論
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
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