見佢galaxy store 有xbox pass
由galaxy store dl xbox pass 再買得唔得
信仔靡爛頹機生活2024-02-20 00:21:44
一定要game呀 我in app 課佢彈返我去microsoft個web 勁撚醒
盧迪烏斯格雷拉特2024-02-20 00:24:36
但佢 原神個d咪又係免費 再in app purchase 唔係咩
信仔靡爛頹機生活2024-02-20 00:29:51
佢個啲㩒比錢只會彈ui 唔會陣個web site出黎
盧迪烏斯格雷拉特2024-02-20 01:37:24
咁撚on9 有咩買得
限死 遊戲
信仔靡爛頹機生活2024-02-20 01:39:40
我本身仲諗住有啲買斷game玩下 點知啲game勁劣
盧迪烏斯格雷拉特2024-02-20 01:54:10
In the Motion Cam Discord it has been confirmed that the upcoming patch für die S24 series fixes the problem. Sample DNGs have been posted. Unfortunately roll out is Korea first but expected to be available on the 22nd of Feb worldwide.