Tony Choi upload番呢場
執柒佢啦2023-12-27 20:26:06
Leung Kwun-chung had been expected to fortify the defensive ranks after being summoned for the pre-tournament camp, but the 31-year-old cut a distant figure in training and was notably reluctant to exert himself in running exercises.
“It was still not enough from him,” Andersen said of a player who was not in his previous three squads. “I see him dropping in attitude. We have players pushing who are the future of Hong Kong football, and I wanted to choose them.”
南洲2023-12-27 20:27:28
dropping in attitude
樂觀男孩2023-12-27 20:28:51
係咪見細佬可能冇得踢所以dropped in attitude
行人止步2023-12-27 20:29:26
等睇大佬開ig 直播反擊
樂觀男孩2023-12-27 20:31:10
#31年香港人 #𣉢面:賀蘭特前輩
浮現那天雨中糾纏2023-12-27 20:31:45
科技人員2023-12-27 20:39:27
U16 點夠打
Let'sGoCrazy!2023-12-27 20:40:00
真係衰多口 無端端插安蛇要佢哋喪跑
南洲2023-12-27 20:40:04
"Notably reluctant to exert himself in running exercises"
呢樣嘢好撚癲 完全當集訓無到