布拉格查理大學傳槍響逾15死 捷克近年最嚴重槍案

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2023-12-22 03:20:21
〔中央社〕捷克今天發生數十年來死傷最嚴重的槍擊案,一名槍手在捷克首都布拉格的查理大學(Charles University)殺害超過15人,並導致至少24人受傷,當局宣布凶嫌已經死亡。


槍擊案地點位於查理大學文學院,靠近14世紀建成的查理大橋(Charles Bridge)等主要觀光景點。

捷克警察首長馮德拉謝克(Martin Vondrasek)告訴記者:「已有超過15人喪失性命,至少24人受傷。」

捷克內政部長拉庫尚(Vit Rakusan)則對記者說:「沒有跡象顯示這起犯罪跟國際恐怖主義有任何關係。」


捷克總統帕維爾(Petr Pavel)表示,這起暴力事件令他「震驚」,他向受害者親友表達深切的遺憾與真誠的哀悼之意。

歐洲聯盟執行委員會(European Commission)主席范德賴恩(Ursula von der Leyen)也說,她「因今天這起無謂且奪走多條人命的槍枝暴力事件感到震驚」。1121222

2023-12-22 03:37:54
2023-12-22 04:20:26
Guns don't kill people, people kill people
2023-12-22 04:21:12

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2023-12-22 06:04:27
佢個啟蒙係 WomAn ☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕

Czech police have announced that the attacker at the university in Prague is 24-year-old student David Kozak.

On Thursday afternoon, the police launched a search for David Kozak, whom they associate with the murder in the village of Kladensko.

According to the Czech media, he killed his father in the morning.

It later became clear that the wanted man was the one who killed ten people in the afternoon at the Faculty of Philosophy in Prague.

According to the information published by the police in connection with the search, the missing Kozak should have been armed.

The young man, who was a student at the Faculty of Philosophy, then headed towards the school, where he killed ten people. Dozens of other people were injured. The police cordoned off the area around the faculty building and asked residents of nearby houses not to go out.

According to the police, the attacker was subsequently eliminated, and people were evacuated from the building. Some students were barricaded in classrooms, others found refuge on the roof. The motive for the shooting is not yet known.

The attacker was allegedly inspired by a 14-year-old Russian girl who carried out a similar attack earlier this month.

Kozak was a history student who had excellent results at university. He graduated in European history, and continued his master’s studies in which he focused on the history of Poland.

How well his studies went is evidenced by the award of the Polish Institute in Prague, which he received in May for the work “Problems of the Antagonism of the Galician Peasant and Krakow Uprising of 1846”.

At the same time, the twenty-four-year-old was suffering from mental problems, and perverted thoughts were running through his head. He wanted to kill, and judging by the message he left behind on the Telegram social network, he thought about everything for a long time.

“Let me introduce myself. I’m David. I want to commit a school shooting and maybe suicide. Alina Afaskinova really helped me a lot,” Kozak wrote on Telegram.

He referred to the case of December 7, when a 14-year-old girl killed two students, wounded five of them, and then committed suicide at a gymnasium in Bryansk, Russia.

“I always wanted to kill, I thought I’d be a maniac. Then I realized that mass murder is much more profitable than serial murder. Like I said… I waited… I dreamed… I wanted… But Alina was the last push. It was as if she came down from heaven to help me,” wrote Kozak and added that he hates the world and wants to cause as much pain as possible.

Kozak wrote on Telegram that he wanted to close his account, but then he read that it would be best to write this message a few hours before the shooting. However, police are still checking this account to see if it really belonged to the attacker.

He first killed his father in Hostoun, and then went to Prague. He had an entire arsenal at his disposal, the police found short-barreled and long-barreled weapons, as well as explosives, Klix.ba reports.
2023-12-22 06:34:32

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2023-12-22 10:26:45
2023-12-22 10:27:53
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