迪士尼安排三部疫情期間直送D+ Pixar 動畫首登大銀幕

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2023-12-06 11:19:01
During the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, Disney chose to bypass traditional movie theaters and send three Pixar films in a row — 2020's Soul, 2021's Luca, and 2022's Turning Red — straight to Disney+. Now, those three films are finally headed to theaters, opening in early 2024.

Tickets go on sale Jan. 2, and a Disney press release says the move will allow families to see these films “the way they were meant to be seen.” Soul will debut Jan. 12, Turning Red on Feb. 9, and Luca on March 22, all as a lead-up to Pixar’s next release, Inside Out 2 (out June 14). In typical Pixar tradition, each release will also be accompanied by a short film.
2023-12-06 11:19:26
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