"Among the players who would always be late were Paul Pogba and Jadon Sancho and couple of other players. The rest of us who were always on time were angry so we decided to form a kind of an internal disciplinary committee with me serving as its president.”
我覺得球迷反佢合理,話就話trust the process,依家球迷見到個process就係倒退返以前嘅年代,球迷希望睇到踢「整體」嘅足球,但係依家睇到嘅就係盲信個人能力,靈光一閃嘅足球。佢做得最錯嘅決定就係mount復出後fit嗰一段唔用佢,走去相信mctom,福柒到咁都死用啦,mount用6000萬買返嚟又唔信任,真係幫佢唔到