【薩破狼】阿仙奴23-24球迷討論區 MMCMXXXV

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2023-12-02 13:19:32
2023-12-02 13:19:33
2023-12-02 13:20:21
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區

2023-12-02 13:22:11

2023-12-02 13:23:02

幫玩蛇平反 半年前已經估到傻哥踢左閘
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2023-12-02 13:37:25
曼聯呢隊波都出左問題好耐 都無解決過
2023-12-02 13:38:20
有一兩場踢少個 佢有踢過真係
2023-12-02 13:38:27
咪玩啦 足球唔係踢一個人既 除非你勁撚到美斯c朗咁
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2023-12-02 13:49:38

Michael Owen believes Thierry Henry and Ronaldo would score as many goals for Manchester City as Erling Haaland. In a passionate rant, the Liverpool icon insists that Premier League players no longer need to be ‘good footballers’.

Owen, who struck 150 Premier League goals for Liverpool, Newcastle and Manchester United, claims he would score the same amount as this era’s most prolific stars. The former striker says top-flight players are simply elite athletes, and do not need to be technically outstanding.

“Back in the day there were loads of great players that were absolute ballers, properly talented footballers,” Owen told Up Front With Simon Jordan.

“Now, if you can just run a bit further than everyone else and pass the ball from A to B, then you can have a decent career in the Premier League. You don’t even have to be that good anymore.

“You used to have to have real skill and attributes to be a top player – you had to be a footballer. Now you have to be an athlete. If I was playing in today’s game I would be scoring at the same level as all of the top strikers. I absolutely believe that.

Michael Owen believes Thierry Henry and Ronaldo would score as many goals for Manchester City as Erling Haaland. In a passionate rant, the Liverpool icon insists that Premier League players no longer need to be ‘good footballers’.

Owen, who struck 150 Premier League goals for Liverpool, Newcastle and Manchester United, claims he would score the same amount as this era’s most prolific stars. The former striker says top-flight players are simply elite athletes, and do not need to be technically outstanding.

“Back in the day there were loads of great players that were absolute ballers, properly talented footballers,” Owen told Up Front With Simon Jordan.

“Now, if you can just run a bit further than everyone else and pass the ball from A to B, then you can have a decent career in the Premier League. You don’t even have to be that good anymore.

“You used to have to have real skill and attributes to be a top player – you had to be a footballer. Now you have to be an athlete. If I was playing in today’s game I would be scoring at the same level as all of the top strikers. I absolutely believe that.

“You look at some of the players in my generation, Brazilian Ronaldo for example – is Erling Haaland really better than him? Thierry Henry is another.

“I love Haaland but can you really say that if you put Henry or Ronaldo in this Manchester City side, that they wouldn’t score at the same rate? Of course they would.”
2023-12-02 13:54:54
2023-12-02 13:56:13
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