CSG2賽事討論暨技術交流區 (75) CS2正式推出!Open beta當正式版

1001 回覆
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2023-12-21 05:01:57
咁多隊霸大佬 degster唔想入呀嘛?
2023-12-21 23:25:14
2023-12-22 17:05:03
太遲, 冇乜人受
等richard lewis篇文好過, 不過唔知係埋真係會寫
2023-12-23 05:00:23
張圖overpass化 好僧呢個改map對t戰術影響
好多aggressive pop mid pop banana閃廢左
打慢拎map 又要retake mid
Ct無sky box又優勢大左 打識玩練開嘅好難贏
2023-12-24 22:14:07
2023-12-25 01:15:45
2023-12-25 14:03:06
un左rank再開返 18k
依排faceit個ser laglag地
2023-12-25 15:25:28
幾時有新map 好想玩翻倉庫
2023-12-25 18:18:40
AST 次撚次搞鳩Heroic.
ESL 又唔搞鳩A星
2023-12-26 13:54:04
2023-12-26 17:35:26
屌遇到啲cancer team好撚辛苦
2023-12-26 18:55:43
2023-12-26 19:30:52
jks又係想打star位 唔夠人做工具人 +入唔到niko m0nesy hunter圈子
2023-12-26 19:42:27
I think that nexa is really good team player that will sacrifice himself for the team a lot and will also bring good communication and more initiative to the team. I think that with Justin, we had too many 'star' roles in the team. nexa will require less space and will do more for the team. I truly believe that Justin will also shine and play better somewhere else as a star player, and I wish him nothing but the best.

I’m not worried about nexa’s individual level, I think he is more than capable of putting up really good numbers for an anchor/support player. Since he is not the IGL, he can focus more on himself and do the things that he likes the most. We will also gain a lot when it comes to mid-round calls. He is able to provide a lot of input that should help Rasmus [HooXi] and the team a lot.
2023-12-26 19:55:40
2023-12-26 19:58:51
2023-12-26 20:01:12
niko隊霸大佬 大佬唔鍾意咪踢
2023-12-26 20:58:56
2023-12-26 21:49:06
唔知啦 就算佢唔出聲 聽richard lewis講G2膠層都會搵人踢
唔會踢niko 唔會踢600K 唔踢得hunter
一係哭時一係JKS 就揀踢JKS

我個人就覺得係passive aggresive
要我簽返G2就要搵我老友nexa幫我拉槍 唔要jks做star霸晒我啲位
2023-12-26 22:05:09
2023-12-26 22:58:19
肯定係 niko 踢jks
Niko 一時話去Falcon 一時又番 G2
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞