例子:He robbed the rich to help the poor.
唔使一定要 The rich people
Labyrinversed2023-11-24 03:02:46
Passive voice 被動句式= 將句子嘅object 擺做subject 表達嘅句式 通常因為動作嘅承受對象先係你要表達嘅重心或要強調嘅嘢(所以擺喺subject)
基本形式係 be + past participle
原句係Which of the following (answers) should you use
呢句嘅動詞係should use (should 雖然係auxiliary verb, 簡單去睇你可以當呢句兩隻字一齊先係一個動詞 should 表達咗tense 但真正動作係use)
變成passive voice = Which of the following (answers) should be used >> 加咗個be, use>used 然後拎走個動作執行嘅對象(you)
Labyrinversed2023-11-24 03:10:21
Ellipsis, implied in context 嘅內容可以省略
同樣例子有this bank was built (by people) in 1995
除非你要specify 邊個起 否則一般都會省略by people
Do you want to stay home or (do you want to) watch movie?
後句嘅do you want to 係省略